Home Category About Peel Services Views # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Filter topic Service category - Any -About PeelBusinessConstructionGarbage and recyclingHealth and familyHousing and social supportTransportation and roadsWater A Adopt a Road Program Adult Day Services Ambulance call records request Animals and rabies B Baby feeding support Backwater valve rebate Breastfeeding companions Bus pass discounts Business hazardous waste Business reporting – new or changes C Child care program concerns reporting Child care subsidy Child vaccination reporting Community bathing program Critical water user registration D Dementia program for Adult Day Services participants Dental care for Ontario seniors Dental screening clinics Disability additional benefits Disability support program Driveway requests E Emergency help with a sewer backup Excess load moving permits F Faulty pedestrian signal Film permits Food handler certification Food safety Formal complaint Freedom of Information requests Funeral arrangements financial help G Garbage bag tags H Harm reduction Healthy Babies Healthy Children Healthy sexuality clinics Help with housing High water bill investigation Homeless support Housing subsidy decision appeals L Larvicide treatment for residential catch basins Long-term care M Medical waste exemption O Ontario Works or emergency assistance P Peel Living tenant services Peel Public Health nurse inquiries Pool or spa water facility opening Property damage by a waste collection vehicle Property information request Public health inspector request R Respite care Road issue Road occupancy permit S Second unit renovations Smoking and vaping signs for businesses to order Social assistance information updates Special events and farmers' markets application Special events road closure Specialty vape store Stagnant water Support for special needs children in child care T Tobacco and vapour retailer signs Tobacconist registration Tourism-oriented destination signage Traffic data Traffic signal new requests TransHelp TransHelp account closing TransHelp decision appeals TransHelp lost item reporting TransHelp online account registration TransHelp online account updates TransHelp payments TransHelp refund TransHelp specialized travel cross-boundary trip booking TransHelp trip bookings or changes TransHelp trip cancellations Tuberculosis V Vaccine clinics for children Vaccine ordering W Walk-up waste collection Waste bin repair Waste bin size changes Waste bins for new development Waste bins lost Waste collection and schedules Waste collection by-law violation Waste collection for an event Waste collection for moving out Waste not picked up Water bill viewing or paying Water billing accounts Water connection permit for temporary non-potable Water or wastewater service connection Water pipe location Water shut off or turn on Water testing for lead Well water testing West Nile Virus activity updates