Film permits
Commercial film and television productions must have a permit to produce film or television content within Peel.
Film permits apply to any profession enterprises that produce film or television content for sale, licensing, or distribution profit.
Your application documents are required at least 10 business days before filming on Regional roads to process and approve the permit.
On this page
Film permits are issued to only commercial film and television producers or companies (or both).
What you need
To apply for a film permit, you or your company needs to provide:
- A completed Full Road Closure application form.
- A completed Insurance Certificate. Your insurance certificate must name the Region of Peel and the relevant Area Municipality as an additional insured for no less than $5 million.
- A letter of intent that includes:
- The production company name and complete address.
- The contact person's full name.
- The contact person's phone number, fax number, and email address.
- The proposed location, street names, and outer limits of the filming boundary.
- The proposed date and time (and a rain date if applicable).
- The size of the film crew and number of vehicles.
- A full description of the work (for example, a moving shot with traffic stoppages).
- Route plans
We charge a $220.12 fee for each application.
We accept payment by:
- Visa or Mastercard over the phone or in person.
- An Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).
- A cheque made payable to “Region of Peel.”
The total fee will depend on the need for a road closure.
How to apply
You can email your completed form to Road Permits or mail or drop it off in person to:
Region of Peel
Road Permits
Public Works Department
Transportation Division
10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite B, 4th Floor
Brampton, ON. L6T 4B9
Who to contact
If you have any questions or would like more details, email Road Permits or call 905-791-7800, ext. 6004.