Traffic data
Our Transportation Division can provide certain types of transportation-related data upon request, including:
- Turning Movement Count (TMC).
- Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR).
- Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT).
- Signal timings.
- Legal enquiries or legal letter.
- Collision summary reports.
- Maintenance recovery administration cost.
On this page
Anyone is eligible for this service.
What you need
- For a Turning Movement Count, provide the intersecting road names and your contact information.
- For an Automatic Traffic Recorder, provide the mid-block road name(s) and your contact information.
- For Annual Average Daily Traffic, visit the Peel Region Data Portal.
- For signal timings provide the intersecting road names and your contact information.
- For legal enquiries or a legal letter, provide the time, date, and location of accident.
- For a collision summary report provide the location names (intersection and midblocks) and number of years.
There are different fees for different types of transportation-related data:
- Turning Movement Count
Fee for 8-hour manual count: $31.74 - Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR)
Fee per location per year: $31.74 - Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)
Fee: Free - Signal timings
Fee per intersection: $61.96 - Legal enquiries or legal letter
Fee per intersection: $536.43 - Collision summary report
Fee per intersection or road section per year: $31.74 - Maintenance recovery administration cost
Fee: $226.44
How to request
To request traffic data, email us.
Who to contact
If you have any questions or would like more information, email us.
Turning movement count (TMC)
A TMC is an 8-hour turning movement count conducted by an observer at an intersection or a roundabout. The observer records the number of vehicles, heavy trucks, pedestrians, and cyclists for all movements. TMCs are summarized to give peak hour volumes.
Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR)
ATR’s are typically installed to collect traffic volumes, speed, and vehicle classification counts using rubber tubing stretched across the roadway and connected to a mechanical counting device. The tubes are installed on the roadway for at least 24 hours to record vehicle volume. Special ATR tubes classify vehicle types and record speeds.
Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)
AADTs are factored numbers, based on ATR volumes and an adjustment factor. AADT data is summarized and broken down to represent the 24-hour average total volume passing a point on the roadway.
Signal timings
Signal timings are requested by parties who require existing signal timing for a particular location. These signal timings are usually requested by officials or consultants working on road projects within Peel Region.
Legal enquiries or Legal letter
Legal letters are requested as a result of an incident. The involved parties request Peel Region to review the operation of the intersection at the time of the incident.
Collision summary report
The Collision summary report is an overview of factors associated with traffic collisions, if any, that happened at the requested intersection or road section under the jurisdiction of Peel Region. The summaries contain statistical information per year.
Maintenance recovery administration cost
The Maintenance recovery administration cost is the fee that coves resource requirements in processing accident recovery claims that are received through the Regional maintenance contract.