Main navigation
- Health status data
- Sociodemographics data
- Peel Health Data Zone Information Tool
- General health status data
- Health care use data
- Mental health data
- Chronic diseases data
- Injuries and violence data
- Healthy eating, active living, and sleep
- Built environment data
- Tobacco and alternative tobacco product use data
- Alcohol use data
- Cannabis use data
- Opioids and other substance use data
- Oral health data
- Sexual health data
- Reproductive and infant health data
- Diseases and infections data
Built environment data
Includes data about all the human-made or human-managed physical spaces where we live, work and play - that impact health behaviours.
Peel Walkability Composite Index (PWCI) Comparison Tool
Provides data about ‘walkability’ – the capacity of the built environment to facilitate walking for utilitarian purposes, including:
- Access to retail and service outlets
- Access to schools and greenspace
- Residential density and diversity
The Healthy Development Monitoring Map
Describes how we developed the PWCI and provides data about the following six interconnected core elements of the built environment:
- Density
- Service proximity
- Land use mix
- Street connectivity
- Streetscape characteristics
- Efficient parking