Water pipe location
You must have underground pipes, cables, and wires located before digging on a property you own or rent.
Common types of projects that require digging include:
- Planting a tree.
- Building a fence.
- Building a deck.
- Creating a new garden.
If you need to do any kind of digging, Ontario One Call (ON1Call) will call the owners of the underground infrastructure, including the Region of Peel, to mark the location of their pipes.
On this page
Anyone who rents or owns property in Peel is eligible.
What you need
To request a locate, you’ll need to provide the:
- Property owner’s first and last name.
- Type of project.
- Project’s expected start date.
- Property address.
- Estimated depth needed to dig.
- Method that will be used to dig.
There is no fee for this service.
How to request
Request a locate by calling 1-800-400-2255 or by accessing the ON1Call portal.
Who to contact
If you have any questions or would like more details, call 1-800-400-2255.