Funeral arrangements financial help
We can help you pay for the cost of a basic funeral, burial, or cremation for a deceased Peel resident if you can't pay for it on your own.
We offer help paying for only 2 types of basic funeral packages, based on approval.
- Type A: no visitation or service.
- Type B: 1 visitation and service, plus cremation or burial.
On this page
We will not reimburse the cost of any funeral, burial, or cremation if a contract has already been signed or if it has already been paid for (in whole or in part).
To be eligible the person must be deceased. We will not pre-approve applications for a person who is not deceased. The deceased person must have been a resident of Peel when they died.
Eligibility is based on:
- The deceased person's income, assets, life insurance, property, etc.
- The deceased person's family assets (if the deceased person was not single at the time of death).
- The parents or legal guardian's eligibility if the deceased person was a child.
If the value of the assets listed is higher than the allowable level for the individual or family size, financial assistance will not be provided.
What you need
You must be able to give Peel Region information about the deceased person's income, assets, life insurance, and property.
You will also need the deceased person's:
- full name
- date of birth
- date of death
- social insurance number
- marital status at the time of death
How to apply
To apply, you must call us before you speak to a funeral home or make arrangements.
We must approve financial support for funeral services before you or any other person signs a contract with a funeral home or cemetery.
Call us
905-793-9200, and press 0. (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
For approval after hours, on weekends or holidays, call 905-791-7800.
Who to contact
If you have questions about this service, call 905-793-9200, and press 0.
- The recommended maximum for funeral and burial or cremation costs is $2,250. A tombstone is not included in these costs.
- Grave markers, as required by a cemetery, and a "perpetual care" charge are included as part of the funeral and burial costs.
- Only cultural funerals and infectious disease requests from the hospital or coroners office can be approved after-hours.