TransHelp online account registration
An online TransHelp account lets TransHelp passengers quickly and easily:
- Book trips.
- Cancel trips.
- Confirm trip details.
- Update account information.
- Get service updates.
- Send feedback.
Once you’ve registered, you can access your TransHelp account online anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
On this page
Any TransHelp passenger can register an online account.
What you need
Your email address is your unique ID for your online TransHelp account.
To create an online account, you’ll need to provide:
- Your TransHelp Client ID.
- Your email address.
- Your birthdate.
There is no fee to register an online TransHelp account.
How to register an online account
- Go to the Transhelp “Sign in” page.
- On the “Sign In” page, click or tap the “Here for the first time? Register your account” button.
- Enter your Client ID and email address then select your birthdate from the drop-down.
- Click or tap the “Enroll” button.
- Check the inbox of the email address you provided for a registration email from TransHelp. (This email is only valid for 2 hours from the time it was sent. If you don’t complete your registration within 2 hours of receiving this email, you’ll need to register again).
- In the email message, click or tap “Link.”
- Enter a password for your profile.
- Click or tap “Complete.”