Disability additional benefits
If you receive Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits, you may also be eligible for additional help from the Peel Region.
We can help you pay for items such as:
- medical equipment
- dental care
If you need help with:
- Moving expenses
- First or last month’s rent
- Overdue rent
Complete the screening tool for housing support. Do not apply for additional disability benefits.
On this page
Available to Peel residents currently receiving Ontario Disability Support Program benefits
What you need
Depending on what additional help you require, you will need to include some or all the following documents with your application:
- Occupational therapists or doctor's referral.
- Vision care estimates.
- Other verification documents related to your specific request.
How to apply
- Complete the ODSP discretionary benefit request form.
- Fax your completed form and all supporting documents, as noted on the form to 905-793-4833.
You will be contacted by phone to discuss your application.
Who to contact
If you have questions, need an alternate format, or need help filling out this form, call us:
- Brampton and Mississauga: 905-793-9200
- Caledon: 1-800-327-5379 (toll-free)
If you require any of the following items you can speak to your ODSP case manager.
- Accessibility items such as grab bars, tub seats, commodes, transfer bench, tub clamp, handheld shower, bed rails.
- Hearing aids
- Patient lifts and slings (ODSP covers repairs and replacement) Ontario Works can cover the initial expense.
- Shower commodes
- Protective helmets.
All discretionary items requested by both Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program clients are to be considered as a last resource when clients have exhausted other possible sources of coverage, such as ADP, March of Dimes, VON, CNIB.