Page templates
- Health status data
- Sociodemographics data
- Peel Health Data Zone Information Tool
- General health status data
- Health care use data
- Mental health data
- Chronic diseases data
- Injuries and violence data
- Healthy eating, active living, and sleep
- Built environment data
- Tobacco and alternative tobacco product use data
- Alcohol use data
- Cannabis use data
- Opioids and other substance use data
- Oral health data
- Sexual health data
- Reproductive and infant health data
- Diseases and infections data
Sociodemographics data
This includes data relating to population, household structure and housing, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, immigration, and language.
Sociodemographic data can be found in the Peel Health Data Zone Information Tool.
Food insecurity
- Food insecurity among population 12 years and older
- Food insecurity among students in grades 7 to 12
- Worried not enough food to eat due to lack of money among population 12 years and older
- Not enough food to eat among population 12 years and older
- Not able to afford balanced meals among population 12 years and older