Page templates
- Health status data
- Sociodemographics data
- Peel Health Data Zone Information Tool
- General health status data
- Health care use data
- Mental health data
- Chronic diseases data
- Injuries and violence data
- Healthy eating, active living, and sleep
- Built environment data
- Tobacco and alternative tobacco product use data
- Alcohol use data
- Cannabis use data
- Opioids and other substance use data
- Oral health data
- Sexual health data
- Reproductive and infant health data
- Diseases and infections data
Reproductive and infant health data
This includes data relating to pregnancy and birth, and reproductive and infant health.
Demographics of parents report
Provides data about:
- Maternal and paternal age.
- Maternal marital status.
- Maternal and paternal region of birth.
Health during pregnancy report
Provides data about:
- Smoking at admission for birth
- Number of cigarettes smoked per day among pregnant smokers
- Resides with a smoker at admission for birth
- Alcohol use during pregnancy
- Drug use during pregnancy
- Folic acid use during pre-conception and during pregnancy
- Prenatal class attendance
- Maternal mental health concerns
Reproductive health outcomes report
Provides data about:
- Crude birth rate
- Pregnancy rate
- Abortion rate
- Fertility rate
- Stillbirth rate
- Cause of stillbirth
Provides data about:
- Birth location
- Labour induction
- Parity (number of previous births)
- Type of birth attendant
- Type of birth
Provides data about:
- Single and multiple births
- Infant sex
- Infant birth weight
- Low birth weight
- Preterm births
- Gestational age
- Small-for-gestational age
- Large-for-gestational age
- Vulnerable on one or more domains
- Vulnerable on two or more domains
- Vulnerable on the physical health and well-being domain
- Vulnerable on the social competency domain
- Vulnerable on the emotional maturity domain
- Vulnerable on the language and cognitive development domain
- Vulnerable on the communication and general knowledge domain