Driveway requests
If your property is on a Peel Regional road, you can request to add a new driveway or change your existing driveway.
Properties bordering regional roads can have one personal access and one farm access unless they are inaccessible from a City or Town road.
If your property borders both a Peel Regional road and a road that belongs to one of the cities of Mississauga, Brampton, or Caledon, then we advise that you connect your driveway to the City or Town road.
If this situation applies to you, contact your local municipality for more information.
On this page
To be eligible, your property must share a border with a Regional road.
What you need
You need to know the driveway access request procedures before requesting permission for a new driveway. This applies to residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
For residential access, refer to New Residential Access or Driveway Request Procedure.
For industrial or commercial access, refer to the:
- New Industrial and Commercial Access or Driveway Request Procedure
- Traffic impact study
- Adherence to the access control by-law or road characterization study (or both).
For all driveway requests, you must complete and submit:
- A Letter of Credit
- A Letter of Undertaking
- A Notification to Commence Work
- An Insurance Certificate Form
- A Site Plan review
- A Road Occupancy Permit
- Letter of Credit
- Notice to Commence Work
- A site plan review, development applications, engineering, and inspection fees
You need to make sure that all works within Peel Region’s rights of way meet our standards. We also require you to provide an estimate of the total project cost, including engineering and inspection fees.
Besides the estimate, you will need to apply for a Road Occupancy Permit for any works (access, road, or otherwise) that take place within Peel Region’s right of way. You will also need this permit for temporary access to Regional roads.
To get your permit, you will need to submit a payment.
These fees are according to the Fees by-law.
It covers the charges for services or activities provided by Peel Region, or for the use of its property.
As part of the permit process, mud tracking securities are necessary.
This payment covers the cost of cleaning the road and the debris left behind when you install a new driveway.
For commercial and industrial developments, the required mud tracking securities fee is $10,000. The fee is $5,000 for residential developments.
We must receive this payment before we start the approval process.
You can make the payment:
- In person.
- By a cheque made payable to "Region of Peel".
- By phone using Visa or Mastercard.
- By an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).
How to request
To request permission for a new driveway, email all required forms and permits, or send them by mail to:
The Regional Municipality of Peel
Public Works Department
Traffic Engineering/Transportation Division
10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite B, 4th Floor
Brampton, ON. L6T 4B9
Tel: 905-791-7800
Toll Free: 1-888-919-7800
Fax: 905-791-1442
Who to contact
For more information, please email us.