TransHelp trip cancellations
If you no longer want to travel on a scheduled date, you can cancel your trip 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.
A fare will be deducted from your account if you do not cancel 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.
On this page
Any TransHelp passenger (or family member or caregiver) can cancel a TransHelp trip.
What you need
Have the following information on hand to cancel a trip:
- Pickup details
- Drop off details
- Trip date
- Trip time of day
There is no fee to book or cancel a TransHelp trip, but a fare will be deducted from your account if you do not cancel 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.
How to cancel a trip
Trips can only be cancelled. They cannot be deleted.
Cancelling a one-way trip
The following content takes you through the steps to cancel a one-time trip.
- In the Trips screen, click or tap the trip you want to cancel on a specific date.
- The Trip Details screen will appear.
- Click or tap the Cancel button.
- A message will appear to confirm the cancellation.
- Click or tap Yes to continue cancelling the trip. If the trip is cancelled successfully, a “cancelled successfully” message will show.
Who to contact
For more information about cancelling a TransHelp account, call 905-791-1015.