Page templates
- Health status data
- Sociodemographics data
- Peel Health Data Zone Information Tool
- General health status data
- Health care use data
- Mental health data
- Chronic diseases data
- Injuries and violence data
- Healthy eating, active living, and sleep
- Built environment data
- Tobacco and alternative tobacco product use data
- Alcohol use data
- Cannabis use data
- Opioids and other substance use data
- Oral health data
- Sexual health data
- Reproductive and infant health data
- Diseases and infections data
Alcohol use data
This includes data relating to alcohol use.
Data is available from the most recent year collected. Some of the data in this section is sourced from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Canadian Community Health Survey data from 2015 onwards should not be compared to data from previous years.
Summary of student substance use report
Provides data about:
Students who used substances in the past year, including alcohol, high-caffeine energy drinks, electronic and tobacco cigarettes, cannabis, opioids and other drugs.
Provides data about:
- Alcohol use
- Frequency of drinking
- Low-risk drinking
- Alcohol use among students
- Usual number of drinks among students
Provides data about:
- Student use of alcohol for the first time in the past year.
- Grade first tried alcohol.
- Grade first drank enough alcohol to feel drunk.
Student access to alcohol report
Provides data about:
- Student perceived ease of accessing alcohol.
- Usual source of alcohol among students.
- Student perceived difficulty of purchasing beer.
- Binge drinking among population 12 years and older (2015/2016)
- Binge drinking among population 12 years and older (up to 2013/2014)
- Getting drunk among students grades 7 to 12
- Binge drinking among students grades 7 to 12
- World Health Organization alcohol use disorders identification test indicators among students grades 7 to 12
- Playing drinking games among students grades 7 to 12
- Alcohol and energy drink use among students grades 7 to 12
- Alcohol and cannabis use among students grades 7 to 12
- Alcohol use during pregnancy
- Drunk or high on school property among students grades 7 to 12
- Drinking and driving among population 16 years and older (drivers) and 12 years and older (passengers)
- Driving under the influence among students grades 7 to 12 (passengers) and 10 to 12 (drivers)
- Perceived risk of harm associated with binge drinking alcohol