Page templates
- Health status data
- Sociodemographics data
- Peel Health Data Zone Information Tool
- General health status data
- Health care use data
- Mental health data
- Chronic diseases data
- Injuries and violence data
- Healthy eating, active living, and sleep
- Built environment data
- Tobacco and alternative tobacco product use data
- Alcohol use data
- Cannabis use data
- Opioids and other substance use data
- Oral health data
- Sexual health data
- Reproductive and infant health data
- Diseases and infections data
Mental health data
This includes data relating to mental health outcomes, well-being, disorders, health care, and self-directed violence.
Some of the data in this section is sourced from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Canadian Community Health Survey data from 2015 onwards should not be compared to data from previous years.
Provides data about:
- Self-rated mental health
- Psychological well-being
- Happiness
- Life satisfaction
- Sense of community belonging
- Psychological distress among students
- Mental health and grades among students
Body image among students in grades 7 to 12
Individual determinants of mental health report
Provides data about:
- Ability to cope
- Life stress
- Low self-esteem among students
- Students experiencing traumatic life events
- Work stress among population 15 to 75 years (2015/2016)
- Work stress among population 15 to 75 years (up to 2013/2014)
Community determinants of mental health report
Provides data about:
- Social support
- School climate including perceptions of connectedness and sense of belonging at school
Depression among population 12 years and older
Mental health-related disorders report
Provides data about:
- All mental health-related disorders
- Substance-related mental health disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Mood disorders
- Personality disorders
- Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Access and use of mental health care report
Provides data about:
- Receiving help for mental health and/or substance use problems.
- Consultation with medical professionals about mental health.
- Student use of mental health services.
- Student use of prescription medication to treat mental disorders.
Need for mental health care report
Provides data about:
- Perceived need for mental health help.
- Unmet needs for mental health help.
- Barriers to unmet needs for mental health help.
- Students needing help but not seeking it.
- Unmet mental health support for students.