Winston Churchill Boulevard
The study
The Regional Municipalities of Peel and Halton have completed a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for improvements to Winston Churchill Boulevard from Highway 401 to Embleton Road / 5 Side Road (see map). Winston Churchill Boulevard is a north-south Regional arterial road and forms the boundary between the City of Brampton and the Town of Halton Hills.
The purpose of the study was to examine the need and justification, as well as feasibility for improvements (including widening), changes to road and intersection geometrics, and pavement rehabilitation on Winston Churchill Boulevard to address short and long-term needs related to planned future growth. The study also reviewed opportunities to better facilitate public transit and active transportation.
Preferred Design Concept
The purpose of the study was to identify a preferred design concept between Highway 401 and Embleton Road. As part of the Class EA, a series of technical studies were completed to evaluate the alternative solutions and alternative design concepts, as well as to identify mitigation measures to reduce impacts on the surrounding environment. The preferred design concept includes:
- Winston Churchill Boulevard widening to six lanes, with a continuous central flush median;
- 3 m multi-use path on both sides except between Highway 401 and Steeles Avenue, where there will be a sidewalk on the west side,
- 2.5 m green space between roadway and MUP where feasible;
- Extension of structural and non-structural culverts to support the widened roadway; and
- Stormwater management to include underground storage chambers, oil grit separator and green spaces for infiltration.
How To Get Involved
An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared and documents the planning and decision-making process, as well as consultation efforts. The ESR has now been filed with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservations and Parks (MECP) and is available to Indigenous communities, agencies, the public, and stakeholders for a 30-calendar day review period.
We invite you to review the ESR and provide comments between November 21 and December 19, 2024 to the one of the Project Managers listed.
Tareq Mahmood, Project Manager, Infrastructure Programming & Studies Region of Peel
Transportation Division, Public Works 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite B 4th Floor Brampton, ON L6T 4B9
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 7828
Ann Larkin, P.Eng, Senior Advisor, Program Development Infrastructure Planning & Policy Halton Region
1151 Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 3L1
Phone: 905-825-6000, ext. 7601
Mark Armstrong, M.E.Sc., P.Eng., PMP Director, Project Development Environmental and Sustainability Hatch Ltd.
2800 Speakman Drive Mississauga, ON L5K 2R7
Phone: 905-940-5487
A request may be made to the MECP for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e., requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may present, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Indigenous and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. The request should include the author’s contact information and full name.
Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive EA), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts on Indigenous and treaty rights, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the MECP is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request. Requests should be submitted in writing or by email to:
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1P5
Requests should also be copied to the Region of Peel’s Project Manager Tareq Mahmood.
Please visit the ministry’s website for more information on requests for orders under Section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act at:
- Winston Churchill Boulevard class environmental assessment study
- Appendix A – Transportation and traffic study report
- Appendix B – Natural Environmental Report
- Appendix C – Archaeological assessment
- Appendix D – Cultural heritage assessment
- Appendix E – Stormwater management and drainage report
- Appendix F – Fluvial geomorphology report
- Appendix G – Geotechnical report
- Appendix H – Hydrogeological report
- Appendix I – Contamination report
- Appendix J – Foundation report
- Appendix K – Air Quality Assessment
- Appendix L – Noise Impact Assessment
- Appendix L1 - Private noise wall conversion policy
- Appendix M – Consultation
- Appendix N1 - Evaluation of alternate designs
- Appendix N2 - Preferred design
- Appendix O – Structural Memo
- Appendix P - Property and cost
PIC #2 took place May 19 to June 9, 2022 to provide the public with an opportunity to view the project work completed and to receive comments.
PIC #2 documents
This virtual PIC provided information on:
- The technical studies completed as part of the project work.
- Alternative design concepts considered.
- How to provide your input and comments on the preliminary preferred design concept identified by the project team.
- Information on next steps.
The PIC 2 Notice was sent to all interested parties and residents adjacent to Winston Churchill Boulevard, from Highway 401 to Embleton Road Drive/5 Side Road.