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Peel Region

Mississauga Road and Bush Street

Environmental assessment on Mississauga Road from Old Main Street to Bush Street and Bush street from Winston Churchill Boulevard to Olde Base Line Road

The Region of Peel has completed the Schedule “C” Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for improvements to Mississauga Road from Olde Base Line Road to Bush Street and Bush Street from Mississauga Road to Winston Churchill Boulevard.

Based on the feedback received for the Mississauga Road/Bush Street EA, the study area was expanded to review road safety, sight lines, drainage, parking and pedestrian and cycling needs. The new study limits included Olde Base Line Road from Mississauga Road to Winston Churchill Boulevard, and Winston Churchill Boulevard from Olde Base Line Road to Bush Street.

Increasing the number of lanes was not under consideration. The EA built on the previous study to provide a solution for the study area that met the needs of all road users and maintained the character of the community.

For details of the EA see the link below to the Environmental Study Report (ESR). The link to the Addendum to the ESR also details the removal of a section of the study area from the Class EA study (see Appendix B of the Addendum).

Study Documents

Plan Profiles

Community Working Group

Study Completion

This EA has been finalized and the project has now moved into the next phase ‘Detailed Design & Construction’

For questions or inquiries, please contact:

Ommar Moeen
Project Manager
Roads – Design and Construction
905-791-7800 ext. 7998