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Peel Region

Dixie Road (Regional Road 4)

Environmental assessment from Queen Street Drive to Mayfield Road

The Region of Peel has completed the Schedule "C" Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the need and feasibility of a widening and improvements on Dixie Road from Queen Street to Mayfield Road, to address the short and long term needs related to:

The Study also reviewed opportunities for public transit, walking and cycling.

This study was carried out in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007).  The Class Environmental Assessment planning process includes public and review agency consultation, evaluation of alternatives, assessment of the effects of the proposed works and identification of measures to mitigate any adverse impacts.

Details of the EA can be accessed in the Environmental Study Report.

Study documents

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

This EA has been finalized and the project has now moved into the next phase ‘Detailed Design & Construction’.


For questions or inquiries, please contact:

Nour Tabieh
Project Manager
Roads – Design and Construction