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Peel Region

These updates are from 2019. Due to COVID-19, updates have been paused.


Early Growth and Development

We help children in Peel achieve their intellectual, emotional and physical potential. We are measuring the percentage of families who report being supported in their child's development.

Our effective delivery of programs work to improve childrens health, family engagement and inclusion.

Service outcome

Children in Peel are supported to achieve their mental and physical potential.

2018 performance and trending data

Source: Region of Peel, Early Years and Child Care Services Division (2018).

Source: Peel Public Health (2018).

Source: Peel Infant Feeding Survey, Peel Public Health (2016).

Source: Peel Infant Feeding Survey, Peel Public Health (2016).

Source: Peel Inclusion Resource Services (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

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