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Peel Region

2015-2035 Strategic Plan

Our 20-year vision for Peel is "Community for Life."

Community for Life is a place where everyone enjoys a sense of belonging and has access to the services and opportunities they need to thrive throughout each stage of their lives.

Community for Life came from citizen feedback. It reflects our citizens' priorities and hopes for life in Peel. Our 2015-2035 Strategic Plan outlines the work we are focused on to bring their vision to life.

The Strategic Plan has a 20-year outlook and will be fulfilled in stages. This allows us to plan across multiple Terms of Council and take on bigger challenges than ever before.

Access the 2015-2035 Strategic Plan (PDF). For more information, email Corporate Strategy and Performance.

Vision and Mission


Community for Life


Working with you to create a healthy,
safe and connected community

We'll build on Community for Life by focusing on 3 areas

People's lives are improved in their time of need

By 2035, you'll have:

Communities are integrated, safe, and complete

By 2035, you'll live in a community:

Government is future-oriented and accountable

By 2035, you'll trust that: