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Peel Region

These updates are from 2019. Due to COVID-19, updates have been paused.


Adapt to and Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our global society. There is clear evidence that human induced climate change is having an increasingly negative impact on the environmental, economic and social conditions of our communities.

The Region is committed to leadership and action on this important societal issue, as concrete actions to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change will lead to a sustainable and resilient community for future generations.

During the current Term of Council, the Region was focused on reducing our Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs) to 10% below 1990 levels and reducing the likelihood of sewer back-ups during severe weather events.

Desired outcome 1

Reduced incidents of sewer back-ups during severe weather events caused by surcharge of the sanitary system.


Over the last four years, we:

Desired outcome 2

Decreased corporate GHG emissions (10% below 1990 levels).

Measurement: Per cent reduction in the amount of corporate GHGs

Over the last four years, we:

* 2017 emissions inventory is the most recent data set that can be reported, based on the latest available emissions factors released by the National Inventory Report in 2019