Downtown Brampton watermain replacement and improvement
The Study
Peel Region recently completed Water and Wastewater Master Plan forecasts an increase in population and has confirmed the need for additional water supply to the Downtown Brampton area. A new watermain is required south of Williams Parkway to provide this additional water supply to the Downtown Brampton area. Streets include Centre Street, Church Street, Main Street, Sproule Drive, Bird Avenue, and John Street.
Given the proximity of the study area to Etobicoke Creek, the Region has recently completed a Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to select a preferred watermain route alignment in the City of Brampton. The study documents the existing baseline conditions, the alternatives evaluated, and the preferred solution to minimize impacts on the community and provide long-term flexibility to manage water demand and pressure in the system. The study area for this Class EA is shown on the map.
An evaluation was completed with study-specific criteria. The evaluation and the resulting recommendations were made public through a virtual Public Information Centre that was available on-line from November 11 to December 2, 2021. Feedback from the public, approval agencies, First Nations and stakeholders were collected and addressed from the time period between November 11, 2021 and January 21, 2022.
The selected alignment for the 750-mm watermain will be installed via micro-tunnelling and run along Centre St., from connection points at John St. and Williams Parkway East. The new watermain will also provide water supply to Vodden St., Woodward Ave., Church and Queen Streets.
Subject to comments received, as a result of this Notice and the receipt of necessary approvals, Peel Region intends to proceed to design and construction of this project.
New Watermain South of Williams Parkway
New Watermain South of Williams Parkway with Appendices
- Appendix A - Public And Agency Consultation Plan
- Appendix B - Consultation Activities
- Appendix C - Public Information CentreMaterial
- Appendix D - Long List Alternative Solutions Workshop
- Appendix E - Environmental Desktop Review
- Appendix F - Natural Features Impact Assessment
- Appendix G - Geotechnical Desktop Analysis
- Appendix H - Desktop Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment
- Appendix I - Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
- Appendix J - Hydraulic Analysis Report
- Appendix K - Traffic and Transportation Assessment
- Appendix L - Cost Assessment of Alternatives
- Appendix M - Shortlist Alternative Evaluation Table
- Appendix M - Shortlist Evaluation
Comments and Part II Order Requests
Public review and comments were accepted for 40 calendar days, starting on June 16, 2022 and ending on July 25, 2022. Subject to comments obtained during this period, Peel Region will implement the recommended solution by proceeding to design and construction.
Jimmy Cheema
Project Manager, Capital Works
Water Linear Engineering & Reliability
Capital Works, Region of Peel