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Peel Region

Public consultations

Statutory consultations were held in October and November 2021.

Peel 2051 is the Region's Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR), which resulted in a new Official Plan to help us better plan for the future by taking action on new population and employment forecasts, responding to public and stakeholder feedback, and complying with new provincial legislation, plans, and policies.

On April 28, 2022, Regional Council passed By-law 20-2022 to adopt the Region of Peel Official Plan (RPOP). The RPOP was approved by the Province with modifications.

Adopted Region of Peel Official Plan (RPOP)

For changes to the adopted RPOP regarding Bill 150 and Bill 162, refer to Download the Official Plan.

Other information

Statutory Open Houses and Public Meeting materials

The Region hosted virtual statutory Open Houses on October 26 and 27, 2021. A virtual statutory Public Meeting was also held on November 4, 2021. Members of the public joined these events to learn more about the proposed draft Regional Official Plan.

Download the Peel 2051 Consultation & Engagement Summary for the 2021 statutory consultation period.

The following materials were presented at the Open Houses:

Download Public Meeting materials:


The following are key agency comments received through the statutory consultation process.


Download detailed staff responses to statutory comments received from the public and prescribed agencies from October 6, 2021 until April 28, 2022.

The following are summaries of the staff responses to agency and site-specific comments received during statutory consultation from October 6, 2021 until December 31, 2021.

Download a summary of staff responses to public comments as of July 2021:

Meet the Planner Sessions

In addition to the statutory Open Houses and Public Meeting, the Region hosted in-person Meet the Planner sessions on November 9, 10, 15, and 17. The sessions were held at the Albion Bolton Community Centre, the Churchill Meadows Community Centre, the Jim Archdekin Recreation Centre, and Caledon Village Place, respectively. Our focus area leads were available at these sessions to discuss the proposed draft Regional Official Plan with members of the public.

Download the display boards presented at these sessions:

The Summer 2021 consultations were informal virtual “Ask The Planner” drop-in sessions for the public to learn more about the Region’s integrated approach to planning healthy, complete communities. Due to the public health restrictions at the time, these sessions replaced the usual in-person summer pop-ups the Region previously had.

General consultations were held on July 29th, 2021 and August 4th, 2021. There was also a specific session on August 18th, 2021 for the various draft technical studies supporting the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (SABE) focus area and the Rural Settlement Area Boundary Refinement work.

The Fall 2020 consultations focused on draft Growth-related Focus Area policies and mapping that will guide how your community grows. Specific consultations were also held on the various draft technical studies supporting the Settlement Area Boundary Expansion (SABE) focus area.

A draft version of proposed Official Plan policies and mapping was compiled in June 2020 to help track changes being recommended, and can be found on the focus areas webpage.

Download the summary of the comment response table between March and October 2020.

September 2020 consultations

Virtual public consultation sessions on Growth-related focus areas were held on September 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2020. Due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the public joined various online forums to learn about the proposed policy changes and engage with staff. Find information presented at the September 2020 live consultation sessions here:

Settlement Area Boundary Expansion draft technical studies

Virtual public consultation sessions on Settlement Area Boundary Expansion draft technical studies were held on September 28th, 29th, 30th and October 1st, 2020. Due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the public joined various online forums to learn about the draft technical studies and engage with staff. Find information presented at the live consultation sessions here:

Public consultations were held on March 2nd, 3rd, and 5th, 2020 to explore the first set of draft policy changes for some environment related focus areas. Find here information presented at the March 2020 Open Houses and a summary report of comments received. Other open house and public meeting information can be found in the Reading Room.

Based on comments received from residents and stakeholders, Regional staff have been reviewing the draft policies and mapping for possible refinements. Read more about changes to environment related focus areas.

The Region's vision to create a "Community for Life" is supported by Peel 2051 planning efforts that ensure the future is filled with opportunities to live, work play, shop and get around in Peel. This work is supported through collaboration on various studies with the local municipalities to help meet their planning goals.

The City of Brampton, City of Mississauga and Town of Caledon must undertake their respective official plan reviews at more detailed planning level. Once the Regional Official Plan policies are approved by the Province, the Region will work to review and approve the local official plans.

To learn more about the local municipal official plan processes, visit the following websites: