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Download the Peel Regional Official Plan

The Region of Peel Official Plan was approved by the Province with modifications.

Peel Region Official Plan (April 2022)

The approval of Peel Region’s new Official Plan, as modified, repeals and replaces the 2021 Office Consolidation Official Plan adopted by the Region in 1996 and all amendments thereto. The new Official Plan outlines a comprehensive land use policy framework to guide growth and development within the Region to 2051, including policies and schedules that address housing and growth management; long-term planning for employment and infrastructure; protection of water resources, natural heritage, and rural/agricultural systems; and plan for climate change.

Pursuant to subsections 17(36.5) and (38.1) of the Planning Act, the decision of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding an Official Plan adopted in accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act is final and not subject to appeal.

Bill 150, Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023

On November 4, 2022, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued a decision to approve the Region of Peel Official Plan (RPOP) with 44 modifications. On December 6, 2023, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing enacted Bill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023. The Bill amended the RPOP to reverse most of the 44 Provincial modifications and maintain nine modifications.

As a result, the Region of Peel Official Plan (RPOP) adopted on April 28, 2022, is the in-effect Plan with nine modifications approved by the Province: Modifications 3, 16 to 18, 21, 30 and 41 to 43. These modifications are found in the Province's Notice of Decision from November 4, 2022.

For more information on Peel Region's response to Bill 150, refer to a December 7, 2023, staff report to Regional Council.

Bill 162, Get It Done Act, 2024

On February 20, 2024, Bill 162 the Get It Done Act, 2024 was introduced in the legislature and proposes to reinstate modifications to official plans that were reversed through Bill 150 in December 2023. Bill 162 has not yet passed.

Bill 162, if passed, would reinstate eighteen modifications (1, 5, 19, 22-26, 28, 31-35 and 37-40), resulting in a total of 27 modifications to the April 2022 RPOP. These modifications are found in the Province's Notice of Decision from November 4, 2022.

Adopted Region of Peel Official Plan (RPOP)

The adopted April 2022 RPOP should be reviewed alongside the modifications maintained through Bill 150. An updated version of the RPOP will be posted on this page at a later date.

Text, schedules and figures

The Region of Peel Official Plan, April 2022 as approved with the original 44 modifications by the Minister, is available to download:

Please note that the remaining 17 modifications previously approved by the Minister in November 2022 (2, 4, 6-15, 20, 27, 29, 36, and 44) remain repealed as part of Bill 150 and are not part of the RPOP and are not proposed, at this time, to be reinstated as part of Bill 162.

The Official Plan should be reviewed jointly with the nine modifications maintained through Bill 150.

The information contained in The Regional Municipality of Peel's Official Plan represents the most accurate information at the date of publication. Users are advised that the text and policies in the Official Plan may change without notice, and that mapping is conceptual. The Region does not certify the accuracy of the information provided. Any reliance placed by the user on the information provided herein is strictly at the risk of the user, and the Region of Peel does not assume responsibility for any loss or damages resulting to the user or any third party by reliance on this information. Residents are encouraged to contact the Region's Planning Department at or (905) 791-7800-ext. 4579 directly for any questions related to the Official Plan or the Region’s policies.


The information on the maps listed has been prepared as a reference for consultation purposes only.

For any discrepancies, the adopting by-law or Provincial decision should be consulted for official data.

Schedule and figures may be updated to address minor errors and corrections.

Schedule A-1 Water Resources System Features and Areas
Schedule A-2 Highly Vulnerable Aquifers
Schedule A-3 Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas
Schedule A-4 Source Protection Plan Areas in Peel
Schedule A-5 Wellhead Protection Areas in Caledon
Schedule A-6 Intake Protection Zones
Schedule B-1 Lake Simcoe Protection Act Watershed Boundary
Schedule B-2 Niagara Escarpment Plan Area (NEP) Land Use Designations
Schedule B-3 Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area (ORMCPA) Land Use Designations
Schedule B-4 Aquifer Vulnerability for the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area (ORMCPA)
Schedule B-5 Greenbelt Plan Area Land Use Designations
Schedule C-1 Regional Greenlands System
Schedule C-2 Core Areas of the Greenlands System in Peel
Schedule D-1 Rural System
Schedule D-2 High Potential Mineral Aggregate Resource Areas
Schedule E-1 Regional Structure
Schedule E-2 Strategic Growth Areas
Schedule E-3 The Growth Plan Policy Areas in Peel
Schedule E-4 Employment Areas
Schedule E-5 Major Transit Station Areas
Schedule F-1 Rapid transit corridors (long term concept)
Schedule F-2 Major road network
Schedule F-3 Regional road mid-block right-of-way requirements
Schedule F-4 Toronto Pearson International Airport Operating Area
Figure 1 Areas Subject to Provincial Plans
Figure 2 Watershed Boundaries
Figure 3 Landform Conservation Areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area (ORMCPA)
Figure 4 Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area (ORMCPA) Partial Service Areas
Figure 5 Wellhead Protection Areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area (ORMCPA)
Figure 6 Regional Greenlands System – Provincial Plan Natural Heritage Systems
Figure 7 Regional Greenlands System – Core Areas, Natural Areas and Corridors and Potential Natural Areas and Corridors
Figure 8 Conservation Authority Natural Heritage System
Figure 9 Potential Locations of Hazardous Forest Types for Wildland Fire
Figure 10 Population and employment growth in Peel Region
Figure 11 Transit Infrastructure Status of Major Transit Station Areas
Figure 12 Provincially Significant Employment Zones
Figure 13 Existing and long-term cycling network
Figure 14 Existing and long-term pedestrian network
Figure 15 Aircraft noise exposure composite contours
Figure 16 Strategic goods movement network
Figure 17 Population age structure in Peel Region
Figure 18 Home languages: Peel Region and Ontario
Figure 19 Existing Water and Wastewater Facilities
Figure 20 Waste management sites

Previous Region of Peel Official Plan (1996)