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Peel Region

Mississauga Road – Financial Drive to Bovaird Drive West

Schedule C Environmental Assessment

The Region of Peel has completed the Schedule "C" Environmental Assessment (EA) on Mississauga Road from Queen Street West to Bovaird Drive West to examine the need, justification and feasibility for roadway widening and intersection design and pavement rehabilitation (Location 1) and the Addendum study for the 2006 Mississauga Road EA from Queen Street West to Bovaird Drive West (Location 2).

Details of the EA and the Addendum report can be viewed in the Environmental Study Report and Addendum Report below.

2 Project Locations

Location 1
Mississauga Road from 300 meters north of Financial Drive to 300 meters north of Queen Street West

Location 2
Mississauga Road from 300 meters north of Queen Street West to 100 meters south of Bovaird Drive West

The need for both studies has been identified in the Region’s Long Range Transportation Plan 2012 Update.

The Location 1 study will examine the need, justification and feasibility of improvements such as road widening, changes to road and intersection design and pavement rehabilitation. It will be conducted as a Schedule C project as described in the Municipal Engineers Association document titled Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015).

The Location 2 study will be conducted as a Study Addendum to the completed 2006 Municipal Class EA for Mississauga Road from Queen Street West to Bovaird Drive West. The original study identified the need for improvements and the Study Addendum will re-evaluate the proposed scope of work based on updated traffic projections.

Both studies will review opportunities to facilitate transit, walking and cycling.

General information for both locations will be posted under Study Documents. Information specific to each location will be posted separately.

Study Documents

This EA has been finalized and the project has now moved into the next phase ‘Detailed Design & Construction’.

For questions or inquiries, please contact:

Sandra Sadek
Project Manager
Roads – Design and Construction
Tel: 905-791-7800 ext.1149