Peel Region homepage
Peel Region

Homeless support

Emergency and transitional shelters, street outreach, support services and help to find permanent housing.


If you need an immediate place to stay there are shelters available for youth, families, adults, and people fleeing violence or abuse.

Transitional housing

Temporary housing for people in various stages of transition between homelessness and permanent housing.

Street outreach

24/7 street helpline and mobile street outreach teams support people at risk, or homeless.

Drop-in and support programs

Offering meals, out of the cold, and other programs to support people who are homeless.

Help with housing

If you're at risk of losing your housing, are homeless, or need affordable housing, we can help.

Financial help

If you need help paying for food and shelter, you can apply for Ontario Works or emergency assistance.

Encampments in Peel

We’re working with partners to establish a policy and joint protocols that balance the needs of all residents in Peel.

Learn more