Community support
211 Central helps you find local community and government services in the Greater Toronto area.
Review the following information to find community support and resources.
Housing support
If you're at risk of losing your housing, are homeless, or need affordable housing, Peel Region can help. The housing screening tool is designed to help us understand your needs better.
Access help with housing.
Financial support
Find community organizations that host community income tax clinics for free
The Benefits Wayfinder guides to government benefits you may be eligible for.
Life skills
Get help to improve your reading and writing, math, and basic computer skills.
- Peel Adult Learning Centre
- The Learning Place
- Free Digital Literacy Courses
- Free Computers for OW Clients
Health Connect Ontario (formerly called Telehealth Ontario) allows Ontarians to call or chat online with a registered nurse and find the health care services and information they need.
The Wellness Response and Assistance Program (WRAP) offers free and confidential mental health and addiction support to all Ontario Works clients in Peel. These services are offered either in person or virtually.
Learn more about the agencies and locations offering the program.
Understanding extended health benefits
Extended Health Benefits (EHB) and Extended Employment Health Benefits (EEHB) are issued to cover health-related costs for individuals who meet eligibility conditions and are no longer eligible for income assistance due to income from employment, business income, or other income sources (Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Employment Insurance, etc.).
Benefits covered under EHB and EEHB include:
- Prescription drug coverage through their Ontario health card.
- Vision care for dependent children.
- Diabetic supplies, surgical supplies, and dressings.
- Medical transportation costs over $15 per month per benefit unit.
- Consumer contribution for an assistive device and eligibility assessment under the Assistive Devices Program (ADP).
- Batteries and necessary repairs for mobility devices
- Routine eye examinations once in every 24-month period.
To access these benefits, contact your Caseworker at your local Social Assistance Office.
Newcomer support
Immigration Peel helps newcomers to Canada by providing information on local services, programs and events that help them to settle and integrate easily into the Peel community.