Peel Living tenants

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Contact us
To speak with a Peel Living representative, call 905-791-7800 or share your feedback. For maintenance requests, call 905-790-7335 or submit non-emergency requests online.
Organics collection was introduced to Peel Living in Spring 2024. The program has now been fully implemented at all sites.
Learn more about organics waste collection at Peel Living.

The cornerstones of Communication, Accountability, Respect and Equity are the keys to our successful partnership.
The landlord will:
- Keep you informed of when repairs or maintenance are happening in your unit or within the entire building.
- Respond to your inquiries and complete repairs in a timely manner.
- Provide 24 hours’ notice before entering your unit, unless there are special circumstances (ie: an emergency).
The tenant will:
- Inform the landlord of changes to your living situation, including family composition and parking information for all tenants or a change in income for those who received Rent Geared to Income subsidy.
- Provide 60 days’ notice if you plan to move out.
Together we will:
Communicate with each other clearly, courteously, respectfully and in a timely manner. Mistakes are acknowledged and solutions are found by working together and learning from the experience.
The landlord will:
Be accountable for providing safe affordable, well-maintained homes
The tenant will:
- Pay your rent on time each month
- Maintain tenant insurance
Together we will:
Positively contribute to the Peel Living community safety commitment by following Peel Living policies and applicable by-laws.
The landlord will:
- Respect you and work with you to support your successful tenancy.
- Show pride of place by providing tenants with clean, safe and affordable housing.
The tenant will:
- Respect Peel Living staff, including Superintendents, Tenancy Support Agents, Property Managers, and other agents of the Landlord.
- Show pride of place by reporting maintenance repairs or problems to Peel Living
- Keep the rented unit clean, maintained and in good condition including appliances and other areas or facilities.
- Be a good neighbour, by not interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of the building by other tenants and landlord.
Together we will:
Take pride in our physical surroundings by maintaining a state of good repair in the building.
The landlord will:
- Operate with integrity and transparency to provide service in an unbiased, equitable manner.
- Ensure that all members of the community have access to the supports and services that enable them to successfully maintain their tenancy, including providing materials in multiple languages and accessible formats when requested.
The tenant will:
Take responsibility for their actions and the actions of other members of their household, visitors and pets
Together we will:
Find solutions that support the Peel Living tenant and landlord relationship, including connecting with community support partners if additional help is needed.
Air conditioner policy
Window air conditioner units are not permitted at Peel Living buildings. Use portable air conditioners instead. This policy improves safety as window air conditioner units pose a risk of falling.
Smoke-free policy
What is the smoke-free policy?
The smoke-free policy is a comprehensive strategy which will protect tenants, visitors, and staff from involuntary exposure to second-hand smoke and related health risks. It prohibits smoking in residential units (including patios, balconies, backyards and front lawns) that have leases effective on or after November 1, 2018.
Which products fall under the Smoke-Free Living policy?
Lit tobacco, lit herbal material (e.g. shisha) and lit cannabis (i.e. marijuana, weed) will be prohibited. Vaping is permitted and is not included in this policy because there is less evidence to suggest that the second-hand aerosols from vapour products travel from unit to unit in the same way that smoke does.
Do all Peel Living and Region of Peel buildings fall under the Smoke-Free Living policy?
Yes. Over time, this will impact approximately 7,000 households. The policy applies to new leases effective on or after November 1st, 2018. Also note that Peel Living shelters, group homes and mobile homes are not included in this policy. The shelters and group homes are already smoke-free under provincial legislation and mobile homes are not included in this policy because they are not Multi-Unit Housing buildings.
How and when will a smoke-free policy be implemented?
Peel Living will begin transitioning towards 100% smoke-free buildings using a phased approach.
- Phase 1 (Fall 2018): All new leases effective on or after November 1, 2018 will contain a clause that bans smoking inside their residential unit (including balconies, patios, backyards and front lawns). Please Note: Previously-signed lease agreements will not be forcibly changed.
- Phase 2 (Early 2019): Grandfathered Tenants (i.e., those who signed lease agreements prior to the policy's adoption) may voluntarily sign a no-smoking agreement as an addendum to their lease.
Once all units have a no-smoking agreement, Regionally-owned MUH will be 100% smoke-free.
How will a smoke-free policy be enforced?
Tenants can make complaints in writing and the housing provider will follow-up with the complainant. It is not usually necessary to legally enforce a smoke-free policy, but Canadian court tribunal decisions have shown support for smoke-free policies in multi-unit housing.
Are people who smoke allowed to live in a smoke-free building?
Yes. Tenants who smoke can still live in buildings that have a no-smoking policy. Smoking will be permitted outside of the unit, in areas that are not regulated by the Peel Outdoor Smoking By-law, 2013 or the proposed Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017. People who smoke may choose to quit or reduce their smoking, while some may choose to use aids to help them stay smoke-free in their homes, such as using nicotine replacement therapy (i.e., the patch or gum).
Don't I have a right to smoke in my own apartment?
From a legal perspective, there is no statement in the Human Rights Code or Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms asserting that there is an absolute right to smoke. You do not have the right to expose others in the building to the risks associated with smoking. There are Canadian cases where landlords have been taken to court for their smoke-free policies, and court tribunal decisions have upheld the policies.
Do housing providers have the legal right to ban smoking in private rental units?
Yes. Housing providers legally have the right to put policies in place to protect the health and safety of all residents and to protect their property. Implementing a no-smoking policy is similar to creating other policies, such as noise restrictions.
Where will smoking be allowed if people can't smoke inside their units?
Tenants and visitors entering a no-smoking unit will have to leave the unit to smoke. Smoking will be permitted in spaces that are not regulated under the proposed Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 or the Peel Outdoor Smoking By-law, 2013.
How do housing providers ensure compliance with the duty to accommodate' (sometimes it's necessary to treat someone differently in order to prevent or reduce discrimination) when implementing smoking bans?
To comply, housing providers will accommodate tenants by considering policy exemptions. If a tenant's accommodation would cause undue hardship, a second-best measure would then occur (e.g., offering smoking cessation support).
What type of support is available for people who smoke in Regionally-owned multi-unit housing who want to quit or reduce their smoking?
Find support for quitting or reducing your smoking or contact Smokers Helpline or by texting 123456 to iQuit.
Cannabis use
Cannabis is also known as marijuana or weed.
Will there be any exemptions made for medical use of cannabis?
Exemptions for the medical use of cannabis will be considered on a case by case basis. If you require an exemption you must maintain a valid Authorization to Possess Marijuana from Health Canada and provide this authorization to Peel Housing Corporation. You must also provide medical documentation (e.g. doctor's note) stating that you must smoke cannabis (i.e. you cannot use cannabis in another way, like vaping or eating) and you are medically advised against leaving your unit to smoke. If you are interested in an exemption, please speak with your TSA.
If I want to appeal the decision about not meeting requirements to allow smoking cannabis in my unit, who will resolve this issue?
Any appeals would be made to the Landlord and Tenant Board. You can contact the Landlord and Tenant Board toll free, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1-888-332-3234.
What are the regulations around personal cultivation of cannabis?
For cultivation of medical cannabis, a number of conditions are set out by the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR). Individuals must:
- Be authorized by their health care practitioner.
- Register with Health Canada to produce a limited amount of cannabis for their own medical purposes.
- Only start producing cannabis plants upon receipt of a Health Canada registration certificate.
- Operate within the limits set out in the registration certificate, and abide by the maximum plant limit, maximum storage limit and maximum possession limit.
- Comply with all relevant provincial/territorial and municipal laws including local bylaws about zoning, electrical safety, fire safety, together with all related inspection and remediation requirements.
The number of plants allowed is calculated by the number of grams of cannabis the physician determines is necessary for treatment (e.g. 3 grams/day = 15 plants). Health Canada states the average is between 1 to 3 grams per day.
Cultivation of recreational cannabis is set to become legal on October 17, 2018. The provincial legislation for cannabis (medical and recreational) has not yet been passed. It is proposed to allow up to four plants for cultivation of recreational cannabis.
Peel Living is looking for tenants to be part of the Tenant Advisory Group. Members of the Advisory Group will represent tenants from the diverse people and neighbourhoods of Peel Living across the Region of Peel.
Your voice is critical to the work of Peel Living. The upcoming Tenant Engagement Plan builds on the Landlord and Tenant Promise and outlines the responsibilities of the landlord, tenants and, most importantly, what success looks like when we work together. The Advisory Group will collaborate with Peel Living staff to ensure that the promises of Communication, Accountability, Respect and Equity are embedded in the work we do. Peel Living is committed to enabling all tenants to provide input that will affect decision making for the Peel Living community they live in, which ultimately support the goals of the Region of Peel’s Community for Life. That’s why we need you.
To be eligible to be part of the Tenant Advisory Group, you must be a Peel Living tenant (on a Peel Living lease agreement) 18 years of age or older and be committed to improving Peel Living for all tenants. Ideally you are passionate about your community and looking to share your knowledge with your neighbours. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to apply.
Why join?
You are interested in and committed to the Peel Living community, passionate about finding solutions with your neighbours, a strong communicator, reliable, respect diverse ideas and are understanding of varied opinions, are empathetic, and have demonstrated leadership skills within your community.
Skills, qualifications and experience
You are knowledgeable about Peel Living, the Region of Peel, communities in the Region, and tenants’ needs and priorities. You also have knowledge of Peel Living’s policies and operations or have a strong willingness to learn.
You are involved in your community or have experience in or willingness to learn about community development and working with tenants through resident associations, advocacy initiatives, ongoing events, or other volunteer or work experience.
You’re role as a member
As a member of the Tenant Advisory Group, you will provide input on the development of the Tenant Engagement Plan and of tenant-facing processes to support operations, such as the Community Partnership Plan, and improvements to service based on the Tenant Satisfaction Survey. This is a good opportunity to connect with your neighbours and to make Peel Living a better place to live. Tenant Advisory Group membership is an unpaid, volunteer position.
Members of the Advisory group are expected to:
- Support an inclusive environment that promotes communication, accountability, respect, and equity.
- Attend scheduled meetings.
- Bring forward concerns on behalf of tenants and work collaboratively to develop solutions.
Apply by February 28, 2025. Applications are available at your superintendent’s office. The short-list of applicants will be contacted for an interview. The final decisions on membership selection will ensure representation from across the Peel Living portfolio. Interviews will take place in March 2025.
Accidents happen.
When an incident like a flood or fire happen, tenant insurance can protect your belongings and immediate personal needs. It can also cover additional living expenses and help with temporary accommodations. This is why it has always been a mandatory part of your Peel Living lease.
As a landlord, we want to ensure that you have what you need in the event of an accident. The purpose of insurance is to protect you and your family from potentially expensive and unexpected events that may occur when we least expect them.
Even if an incident doesn’t happen in your unit, you can still be affected by others.
RGI tenants will be required to provide proof of insurance with their Tenant Annual Review package.
What you’ll need to share with us as proof of policy
- Policy insurance provider
- Policy insurance number
- Policy holder name
- Policy holder location
- Policy dates
- Liability amounts
- A copy of the policy on insurance company letterhead, including a signature
If you do not provide proof of tenant insurance your Peel Living tenancy may be impacted and could result in eviction if not remedied.
Cost of insurance
A typical insurance package can cost between $17 to 27 per month. That’s an annual fee in Ontario of approximately $326. This includes coverage of $20,000 to 30,000 for household items and up to $1 million for personal liability. Seniors or non-smokers may quality for a discount.
Additional information about tenant Insurance
The Insurance Bureau of Canada can answer questions about tenant insurance, however they do not provide any quotes for insurance. For more information, e-mail, or call 1-800-387-2880.
Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario is the self-regulatory body for insurance brokers in Ontario. They regulate the licensing, professional competence, ethical conduct, and insurance related financial obligations of all independent general insurance brokers in the province. Access brokerage listing.
Housing Services Corporation is a non-profit organization that works to ensure that Ontario residents have access to safe and affordable housing. They have an exclusive tenant insurance program. Call 1-866-940-5111 for more information.
Residents who live in Peel Living buildings can:
- Submit a maintenance request.
- Apply for parking.
- Book a common room.
- Book an elevator
Find out how to access these services for Peel Living tenants.
Other forms
- Consent to communicate by email - Allow Peel Living to email you.
- Third party authorization - Someone other than you can receive information about your Peel Living tenancy.
- Tenant annual review - For Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) assistance