Peel Public Health
Peel Public Health is made up of health experts, practitioners, researchers and changemakers. We work closely with Canada’s health care system. Health care treats people who are already sick, our goal is to stop people from getting sick in the first place.
Safe drinking water inspections
Our Safe Water program protects you from getting sick from contaminated drinking water. We inspect places that do not use Regional water and ensure they are following health regulations.
Learn about your drinking water.
Safe recreational water inspections
Our inspectors keep Peel’s 592 public pools, wading pools, splash pads, spas and five beaches safe to play in. We make sure facilities follow health regulations. We investigate complaints and alert the public of risks.
Learn about beaches, pools, and other water.

Restaurant and food inspections
We keep you safe from illnesses caused by contaminated food. In 2018, we conducted almost 12,000 inspections of restaurants and other places food is served to ensure safety standards are followed. This reduces the chance of people getting sick.
Learn about health inspections.
Staying up to date on your vaccinations protects you from contagious and potentially fatal diseases like measles, whopping cough and polio. Learn more about vaccinations.
Vaccine management and physician information
We supply vaccines to Peel clinics. This helps stop the spread of contagious diseases. We distribute about 780,000 vaccines each year and enforce standards to ensure vaccines are effective.
Visit our immunization and vaccines page for information about vaccine orders for health care professionals.
Tuberculosis (TB)

We help clients get healthy and keep TB from spreading to others. We give free access to medications and support infected clients through the 9-month treatment process. We also conduct immigration medical surveillance to lower the risks in Peel.
Learn more about our TB program.
Communicable disease investigation
We help keep contagious diseases from spreading in Peel. We track the spread of higher-risk diseases, like measles, and alert people who may have been in contact with an infected person.
We support clients with Hepatitis B and C cases in a timely manner to decrease the likelihood of transmission to others.
Infection Prevention and Control
We have contributed to significant progress in preventing the spread of infections through our many programs. Learn more about our work in Infection Prevention and Control.
Disease prevention – facility inspections
We inspect places like restaurants and food locations, spas, tanning salons, recreational facilities, and child care locations to reduce the risk of outbreaks and illnesses.
Learn more about our facility inspections, and view inspection results.
Sexual infection control
We work to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections in Peel. We offer sexual health clinic services to support clients with infections. We reach out the sexual partners of infected individuals to help stop the spread.
Learn about our sexual health clinics.
Environmental hazard protection and alerts
We reduce your risk of exposure to health hazards in the environment. We alert you about extreme heat events, poor air quality and other environmental hazards. We limit exposure to diseases, like West Nile virus and Lyme disease. We monitor high-risk areas, investigate possible infections and alert the public of risks.
Learn about protecting your health.
Health promotion and harm reduction
We reduce the damages from drug abuse in Peel. We give clean needles to users, hand out life-saving naloxone kits. We have tools and education that can make our population safer.
Learn about our harm reduction program .
Alcohol, tobacco, and other substances
Our programs and policies aim to limit your exposure to second hand smoke. Learn how vaping, tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, and opioids affect your health.
Access healthy living.
Promoting healthy community design

We work to develop policies and advocacy programs to help our neighbourhoods better support physical activity and health eating.
Visit our healthy communities page.
Promoting healthy eating and active living
We partner with local governments, school boards, workplaces, places of worship and others to help reverse the risk of diseases like Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We partner on programs and policies that support health with more opportunities for people to be active and get healthy foods.
Reducing the harms from alcohol
We lead research, advocacy and programming to help reduce alcohol-related traffic accidents, crime, injuries and illness related.
Refer to Alcohol, tobacco, and other substances to learn more.
Enforcement of Smoke-Free Ontario Act and local by-laws
We ensure tobacco, vapour and cannabis are not promoted or sold to youth and investigate complaints about smoking in banned areas. Our team includes undercover youth “shoppers” who test stores’ age-restricted selling policies.
Learn about smoking and vaping enforcement.
Healthy Babies Healthy Children
The Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program provides free in-home visits by Public Health Nurses and trained Family Visitors. The program is for pregnant moms and families with children from birth to school entry, who are having challenging or stressful life situations.
Learn more about how Healthy Babies Healthy Children program supports you.
Free parenting support
We support parents of young children by phone, and email to get them what they need on their own terms and schedules.
Talk to a Peel Public Health nurse.

Baby Feeding Services
Our clinics are welcoming to all families, whether your baby is breastfeeding a lot or a little.
Mothers and their support person meet one-on-one with a Public Health Nurse in a private room to assess how your baby’s feeding is going, and to receive professional advice and support.
Learn more about our Baby Feeding Support Clinics.
Child care centre menu planning
We work with child care centres to plan healthy and balanced menus. Good eating habits in childhood helps reduce diseases and obesity in adulthood.
Physical Literacy Champions’ Network
Only 35% of Canadian children get the recommended levels of daily activity. We train early childhood educators how to help children in child care centres move more and develop active habits.
Our dental services include screening school children to catch problems early. We give cleanings, dental sealants and fluoride applications to more than 8,000 lower income children each year.
Visit our dental health page.
Senior’s dental program
We provide free dental care to qualifying senior’s in need. In 2018, we treated 800 low-income seniors to stop serious problems, end pain and prevent future issues.
Learn more about the seniors’ dental program.
Research, policy and planning

Our staff consistently examines new evidence to make our public health programs more effective.
Education and research
We stay up to date on health information to improve public health services. Our team of ensures programs are based on the best available evidence to improve health in Peel.
For more information about our work in continual health improvement, visit: