Alcohol, tobacco, and other substances
Substances may be used for a variety of different reasons, including medical purposes, religious or ceremonial purposes, personal enjoyment, or to cope with stress or trauma.
Learn more about substance use:
- Substance use – Learn about getting help and talking to your loved ones about drugs.
- The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) – Information on various issues related to addiction and mental health.
- Drug Free Kids Canada – Information for parents and caregivers about talking to children about drugs.
Canada's guidance on alcohol and health – provides people living in Canada with the information they need to make well-informed and responsible decisions about their alcohol consumption. This guidance developed by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse was a project funded by Health Canada to update Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking.
Tobacco is a plant that contains nicotine, which is an addictive drug. Tobacco can be consumed in different ways, for example, it can be smoked in tobacco cigarettes, smoked in loose form in hookahs, chewed, sniffed, and mixed with cannabis. Tobacco is legal in Canada, where it's distribution, manufacturing and marketing is controlled by government laws and regulations.
Learn more about tobacco and smoking:
- Smoking and vaping enforcement (including the Smoke Free Ontario Act) in Peel.
- Smoke-free Housing Ontario – Learn how to take action on second hand smoke and making your building smoke-free.
- Second-hand smoke – Get information about second hand smoke including making your home and car smoke-free.
- Support to quit smoking – Find support and resources to quit smoking.
Cannabis, also called marijuana, weed and pot, is a drug that comes from a plant. In October 2018, Canada legalized cannabis for recreational use and in October 2019, Canada legalized the production and sale of cannabis edibles, topicals and extracts.
Learn more about cannabis:
- Tobacco, cannabis, waterpipes, and vapour product enforcement in Peel Region.
- Cannabis in Canada – get the facts
- Health and safety resources for parents and caregivers
- Ontario mental health services for children and youth – Learn more about finding mental health support for children and youth 18 years or younger.
Science-based recommendations to enable people to reduce their health risks associated with cannabis use:
Vaping is inhaling an aerosol created by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device. These devices have cartridges filled with a liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavorings, and chemicals. The liquid is heated into an aerosol, which the person inhales. Dried or liquid cannabis can also be vaped.
Risks of vaping
Health Canada has issued a warning for the public about the potential risk of pulmonary illness associated with vaping products. The warning states that:
- Non-smokers, pregnant women, and youth should not vape.
- If you do vape, avoid illegal or unregulated sources.
- For those who vape, monitor yourself for symptoms of pulmonary illness like cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain. See medical attention immediately if you develop symptoms.
Vaping to help stop smoking
There isn't enough evidence to support the use of e-cigarettes as a stop smoking aid.
Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not approved vaping devices and products to be used as a stop smoking aid.
Current recommendations for quitting smoking include nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medications, along with behavioural support and counselling.
Learn more about vaping:
- Peel Outdoor No Smoking or No Vaping By-law.
- Not an experiment – Learn more about vaping for children and parents.
- Support to quit vaping
- Support to quit vaping (youth and young adults)
- About vaping
- Where you can't vape or smoke in Ontario
The issue of drug toxicity and overdose is most often associated with opioid use. Opioids are drugs used to treat pain. Not all opioids are harmful and can be prescribed by doctors. However, when drugs contain toxic substances, they can be harmful. Learn more about opioids.
All levels of government and local community organizations are part of ongoing efforts to save lives and reduce harms from opioids. In Peel, our local response includes the Peel Opioid Strategy which focuses on prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and enforcement and justice.
Learn how we’re working to address the opioid issue in Peel.