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Peel Region


Regional Council has identified the need to increase affordable housing options in Peel.

These actions include:

In 2018, the Region completed the Peel Housing Needs Assessment through a collaborative approach. As a result of the Needs Assessment, the 2018 Housing and Homelessness Plan (PHHP) and the 2018 Housing Strategy were developed.

The Housing Strategy outlines strategies and planning tools available to the Region to increase the supply of affordable housing in Peel. The strategy will be used to create and implement policies, programs and initiatives.

Learn more about how the Region of Peel is making housing more accessible, diverse, and affordable.

Peel 2051 Housing focus area

The new Regional Official Plan, adopted on April 28, 2022, includes policies to increase affordable housing supply and respond to the 2018 Housing Strategy, the Affordable Housing Background Paper, Provincial direction in the Growth Plan, 2019, the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, the Planning Act, and input received during the Peel 2051 Official Plan Review statutory consultation period.


Housing policies and affordability

The Region of Peel is working with local municipalities and community stakeholders, such as development applicants, to implement the housing policies and objectives of the new Region of Peel Official Plan. Below are resources that provide an overview of housing policies and objectives and housing affordability in Peel.

Supporting documents and resources

Peel Affordable Rental Incentives Program

The need for low and moderate-income affordable rental housing was identified through the PHHP, Housing Needs Assessment and local municipal housing strategies. As a part of the PHHP and in alignment with Regional policies, the Region of Peel developed an Affordable Housing Incentives Pilot Program focused on addressing moderate-income needs. After a successful pilot, on July 7, 2022, Regional Council approved the annual Peel Affordable Rental Incentives Program and offered up to $10 million in funding through a 2023 Call for Applications.

Learn more

For more information, email Regional Planning or call 905-791-7800 ext. 4963.