Waste Sorter

Where do I put...

Sharps and injectors

This item can be hazardous to safety or health. It requires special handling.

A sharp is a medical item used in health care that can puncture or cut skin.

Types of sharps include:

  • auto-injectors
  • injection pens
  • injectors
  • lancets
  • needles
  • prefilled pens
  • syringes


  • Put sharps in your garbage, organics or recycling.
  • Flush sharps down the toilet.
  • Throw sharps in a sewer.

Safe disposal of sharps

24-hour drop boxes

Bring used needles, syringes and stems to select Brampton locations and Peel Public Health clinics in Brampton and Mississauga. Get details.

Biohazard containers for safe sharps disposal

A biohazard container is for waste that could be contaminated with germs that harm people and the environment.

If you or your caregiver injects medicine through a sharp, always immediately dispose of the sharp in a secure biohazard container. The container must be fully closable, free of cracks and properly labelled.

You can pick up free, new biohazard containers from:

Sharps used for home health-care

To safely dispose of a home health-care sharp:

  1. Pick up a free biohazard container from a Peel Community Recycling Centre (CRC).
  2. Wear gloves and use tongs, pliers or tweezers to pick up the sharp. Put the cap in the garbage.
  3. Put the sharp in the biohazard container with the needle facing downwards.
  4. Return the filled biohazard container to a CRC for safe, free disposal and pick up a new empty container for free.

Important: CRCs accept discarded sharps in ONLY biohazard containers. Only Peel residents can bring filled biohazard containers to a Peel CRC.

Used sharps on public properties

Never touch a used sharp you find on public property.

  • Municipal staff are responsible for safely disposing of used sharps.
  • If you find a sharp on public property in Brampton or Mississauga, call 3-1-1.
  • If you find a sharp on public property in Caledon, call 905-584-2272.

Used sharps on private or business properties

Never touch a used sharp you find on a private or business property.

  • Owners of private or business properties are responsible for disposing of sharps into biohazard containers.

Additional information:

  • Safely storing, handling and disposing of sharps prevents injury and the spread of disease.
  • Learn more about safely disposing of other home health-care waste.