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Peel Region

Our privacy responsibilities

Details about how we maintain the privacy and security of your housing information.

Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal and personal health information, in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), 1990 and the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), 2004.

How we collect your personal information

Housing Services and associated service delivery partners collect personal information about clients to provide housing-related supports. Housing client records are only available to program staff who are involved in supporting you either directly or in a supporting role.

How we use your personal information

Housing Services uses your personal information for the purposes for which it is collected, most importantly for the delivery of quality housing-related supports. We obtain your consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information, unless required by law.

Your personal information may also be used to:

Quickly and accurately identify your client record each time you require services.

Provide you with the most effective and appropriate services. This may include circumstances of your housing situation. All this information may be recorded in your housing client record and made available to those involved in supporting you, including health-care providers, and social services who are partners in your care.

Improve the quality and efficiency with which we provide services including evaluations of our program and services for quality improvement.

Support leading edge research with researchers working on studies approved by an ethics board may have access to your personal information if privacy and confidentiality issues have been addressed with you.

Support educational activities for teaching purposes, if measures are taken through our program and services to adequately protect your privacy and confidentiality.