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Housing services client consent

Your privacy and knowledgeable consent are important to us.

As of March 7, 2024

Peel Region Housing Services has created a secure Housing System so that all client housing needs, including personal and personal health information, can be safely stored, and shared once we obtain you and your household member's client consent. Having rapid access to complete, up-to-date, and accurate client information puts your housing providers in the best position to support you.

Your personal information collected is uploaded to Peel Region's secure system, accessible by authorized employees of the Peel Region, who will have access to your contact information only, but they will not be able to see your housing file. Only Housing Services and some service delivery providers who are contracted by Peel Region, will have access to your housing file to provide you with programs and services. Your personal information may be used for registering you for programs and services, booking appointments, reporting and program planning.

Consent for your communication options

You have the option to consent to your name, email address or telephone number being entered into our Housing System, and being accessible to some Service Delivery Partners, to provide you with housing-related services. Ensure you only provide information that can be used to contact you safely and securely.

Your options for communication include the following:

Email and text messages are not encrypted, so we cannot guarantee the security of these messages. We will minimize the personal information provided via email or text to maintain confidentiality.

By indicating these contact methods, you are consenting to Peel Region Housing Services and our service delivery partners contacting you using your preferred method of communication.

Withdrawal of consent is not retroactive and may limit the housing-related services we are able to provide to you. For example, we cannot offer financial supports or include you on any lists for connection to housing and supports, without your consent. The date of your consent is documented within your Housing Client Record.

Consent to collection, use and disclosure of personal information

A Housing Needs Assessment is required for the purposes of gathering information on your circumstances, barriers and opportunities, to determine the best path forward or verify your initial or ongoing eligibility, and to support your household towards stable and affordable housing.

The information you provide will be entered into our secure Housing System and will be accessed by authorized employees of Housing Services or your lead service provider, for the purposes of matching you to housing supports. It may also be accessed and used by Peel Region to create reports for research, satisfy our accountability obligations to our funders, and to improve our services and service delivery to clients like you.

Your personal information is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, S.O., c.25, s.11(1) and will be retained, used, disclosed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable municipal, federal, and provincial laws and regulations governing the collection, retention, use, disclosure and disposal of personal information including the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990 and the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.

To continue to enroll in Housing Services, we gather additional personal information about you and your household to customize our services to your needs.

You and your household's personal information will include (but not limited to):

Your consent is required to collect, use, and disclose information for the purposes of administering housing-related services.

Once you consent to formally enroll you and your household in Housing Services, a case file will be created for you to determine what services are available to help with your circumstances, and to verify your initial or ongoing eligibility. It may also be helpful to speak with your health care provider to provide you with the best wrap around care to keep you housed. We will seek a separate consent to disclosure if you agree to Housing Services working with your healthcare provider in this regard.

Authorized users of our Housing System may access your personal information to provide you and your household with the following housing related services:

Having quick access to complete, up to date and accurate information, puts us in the best position to help you. Your information will be kept confidential except when you consent to sharing your information or if we are legally permitted or required to disclose it, for example, you say you may hurt yourself or others, we receive a court order, or we suspect children need protection.

To proceed with enrollment and receiving housing services in Peel, we require your consent, your partner or spouse, and any household member aged 16 years or older.

You may request access to your Housing client record, that it be updated, corrected or withdraw your consent at any time, by speaking with your Housing Services contact person.

Withdrawal of consent is not retroactive and may limit the housing-related services we are able to provide to you. For example, we cannot offer financial supports or include you on any lists for connection to housing and supports, without your consent. The date of your consent is documented within your Housing Client Record.