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Health professionals updates

Sharing important information with Peel physicians.

Peel Public Health uses Health Professionals Updates to share new or updated public health information relevant to physician practice in the community.

Health care providers searching for access to an archived link or document from a Health Professionals Update can contact us.

July 2024

July 22, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 20

July 18, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 19

July 16, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 18

July 12, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 17

July 4, 2024, Vol. 17, No. 16

May 2024

May 30, 2024, Vol. 17, No. 15

May 6, 2024, Vol. 17, No. 14

More information

April 2024

April 30, 2024 Vol. 17, No. 13

  • Update: Polio vaccine recommendations for children previously immunized internationally with oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV)
  • Reminder: Complete Clinic Information Profile Survey for the new digital vaccine order form
  • Updated PHO Resources - Recommended Steps: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

April 22, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 12

  • Action required: Complete Clinic Information Profile for New Digital Vaccine Order Form
  • National Immunization Awareness Week

April 16, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 11

  • New: High Risk Hepatitis B vaccine order form
  • New: Hepatitis B vaccine requisition for Hepatitis B contacts and Hepatitis C cases
  • Updated: Ministry of Health COVID-19 vaccine guidance
  • New: Vaccine Order Form coming soon

April 3, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 10

  • Ontario Spring 2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign
  • RSV Vaccine Program Wind Down
  • New: Vaccine Order Form Coming Soon

March 2024

March 21, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 9

  • New: Supervised Consumption Services Clinic now open at 10 Peel Centre Drive in Brampton
  • Reminder: Peel Works Harm Reduction Program

March 18, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 8

  • Update: Vaccine products
  • New: Vaccine packaging format changes
  • Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP) 2023/2024 vaccine returns
  • New: Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) vaccine clinics and reminder to report immunization records
  • New: Public Health Ontario (PHO) measles resource for health care providers

February 29, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 7

  • March Break School Vaccination Program Catch-up Clinics
  • Reminder: Immunization School Pupils Act (ISPA) - Orders of Suspension

February 27, 2024 Vol. 17 No. 6

  • Peel Public Health Pregnancy and Parenting Program Updates

February 22, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 5

  • Global Increase in Measles Activity

February 7, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 4

  • Reminder: Rabies Serology Testing

January 31, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 3

  • Update: Public Health Ontario changes to Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) testing and Hepatitis B Viral (HBV) testing and requisition form
  • Update: Peel Health Professionals website

January 22, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 2

  • Immunization School Pupils Act (ISPA) – Orders of Suspension
  • Update: COVID-19 Medical Exemptions

January 15, 2024; Vol. 17, No. 1

  • Revised: Ministry of Health guidance for routine and catch-up immunization services
  • New: Novovax (Nuvaxovid) XBB COVID-19 vaccine
  • End of free vaccine delivery period
  • Increasing iGAS cases

December 19, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 37

  • Update: RSV vaccine program expansion
  • January to June 2024 paid vaccine and STI medication delivery schedule
  • Update: COVID-19 and influenza Peel Public Health Clinics and homebound program
  • Urgent care and after-hours services available in Peel

December 12, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 36

Holiday schedule for Peel Public Health Clinics and Services

December 1, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 35

  • Update: The Botulism Guide for health care professionals has been updated (October 2023)
  • Reminder: Treatment of Botulism is guided by Clinical Diagnosis
  • Reminder: Clinical presentation of Infant Botulism
  • Reminder: Ordering BabyBIG for Infant Botulism cases
  • Reminder: Process to order Botulism Anti-Toxin (BAT) and BabyBIG (for infants less than 1 year of age).

November 24, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 34

  • New: Anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Powassan virus (POWV) risk in Peel
  • New: Anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and POWV clinical presentation, diagnostic testing, and treatment
  • Reminders: Tick species identification and reporting tick-borne diseases

November 1, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 33

  • Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines are now available for the general population

October 20 2023; Vol. 16, No. 32

  • New: National Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Week
  • New Common issues cited in IPAC Complaint Investigations

October 5, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 31

  • New: COVID-19 Fall and Winter 2023-2024 Campaign
  • New: Peel Health Professionals Portal for onboarding and ordering COVID-19 vaccines
  • New Distribution of rapid antigen tests
  • Reminder: COVID-19 testing and antiviral treatment

September 29, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 30

  • Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP)
  • Reviewing Immunization Status for Seniors ≥65 years of age
  • Reminder: Reporting Adverse Event(s) Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • New: RSV Vaccine for Seniors

September 18, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 29

  • Immunization screening letters

August 29 2023; Vol. 16, No. 28

  • Update: West Nile virus risk in Peel
  • Reminders: West Nile virus clinical presentation, diagnostic testing, preventative measures, and reporting

August 24, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 27

  • Vaccine Storage and Handling Practices
  • Monthly Temperature Log Submission Requirements for Long Term Care and Retirement Homes
  • Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP)

August 15, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 26

  • Alert: Rabies in Ontario and Peel Region

August 3, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 25

  • New: EMR tool available to identify school-aged patients missing vaccines under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA)
  • Physician Call for Action: Immunization of School-Aged Patients

June 16, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 21

  • Alert: A Confirmed Case of Measles in Peel

June 16, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 20

  • Alert: Listeria Illness Associated with Mississauga Restaurant

June 13, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 19

  • Alert: Risk of mpox Resurgence this Summer

June 9, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 18

  • Reminders: Vaccine Storage and Handling
  • July to December 2023 Paid Vaccine and STI Medication Delivery Schedule

June 8, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 17

June 7, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 16

  • Special Air Quality Statement Issued for Peel Region by Environment and Climate Change Canada

June 6, 2023; Vol. 16 , No. 15

  • Required Immunizations for School - Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA)
  • New: Summer Routine School Immunization Clinics
  • Reminder: Extended Eligibility for High-Risk and Shingles Vaccines
  • Reminder Reporting Adverse Event(s) Following Immunization (AEFI)

June 2, 2023; Vol. 16, No. 14