2024 TransHelp passenger satisfaction survey

TransHelp service
87% of surveyed passengers are satisfied with the overall TransHelp experience.
We take pride in providing all TransHelp riders with a great experience.
Everyone using a TransHelp bus or vendor should feel safe and comfortable, no matter the type of trip.
We welcome all questions, concerns, and feedback to improve your overall experience.

Booking online
62% of surveyed passengers don’t know about the "Where's my ride" tracking feature when booking online.
When you book a trip online, you have access to the "Where's my ride" tracking feature. This feature lets passengers see the bus location in real time and notifies passengers when the bus is expected to arrive.
You can book online 24/7, access your trip schedule, and book a trip up to 7 days in advance.

Fare systems
35% of surveyed passengers would like to see an integration with the PRESTO fare system.
Work is underway for TransHelp to partner with PRESTO.
In early 2024 we implemented the province of Ontario’s One Fare Program, making transit more affordable and convenient for TransHelp passengers.
Through the One Fare Program, TransHelp passengers are now charged only once when transferring to or from Humber College, Kipling Station, or GO Transit stations.
Shorter wait times when calling in
18% of surveyed passengers would like shorter wait times when calling in.
Our Call Centre is busiest from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Next time you’re waiting for a customer service representative, press 1 and we’ll call you back!

Negotiated bookings
72% of surveyed passengers got the time they wanted with negotiated bookings.
Most service delays and late pick-ups happen during peak travel times.
In March 2024 we introduced negotiated bookings.
This means that if you call to book a trip during peak hours and no more trips are available without causing delays, we’ll offer you another travel time.

Looking forward
86% of surveyed passengers had a positive experience using the TransHelp service.
As we work to make the rider experience even better in 2025, we want to thank everyone who participated in this survey. Your feedback has helped shape our work and made us better at what we do.
We may ask you to participate in next year’s annual survey. If you receive an invitation, please take the time to tell us how we’re doing.
As always, if you have a compliment, suggestion, or complaint, we want to hear it!