Traffic calming and red light cameras
Traffic calming is the use of different techniques to slow drivers down and reduce vehicle speeds. Red light cameras capture still images of vehicles that run red lights at intersections.
Road safety is everyone’s responsibility
- Pedestrians should always stop, look, and listen before walking across a road.
- Cyclists should always watch for and obey all traffic signs and signals.
- Drivers should always look for pedestrians and cyclists when turning left or right.
Peel Region’s “Don’t Speed” campaign aims at encouraging citizens to think more about their driving behaviour.
When a driver chooses to drive any amount over the posted speed limit, they are endangering not only their own safety but that of other road users. Controlling vehicle speed can prevent collisions from happening and can reduce the impact when they do happen by giving people more time to stop.
Peel Region is working with local municipalities, community groups, agencies, and partner organizations such as Peel Regional Police to implement Vision Zero principles into its road safety initiatives. This will save lives by helping change people's perceptions of speeding and remind them that slowing down can reduce injuries and collisions on Peel roadways.
A number of Regional road design measures have been implemented in addition to speed limit reviews.
These measures include:
- Expansion of the red light camera program
- Automated Speed Enforcement
- Electronic radar speed signs
- Radar speed trailers
- Traffic calming signs in the centre of the two-lane roadways to narrow the roadway
Driver safety tips
- Give yourself extra time so you don’t have to rush to your destination.
- Eliminate distractions so you can pay attention to your speed.
- Watch for other road users like pedestrian or cyclists when driving through intersections.
- Be extra careful when driving through areas where people are working on or near the road.
- Lower your speed to reflect road conditions in bad weather, heavy traffic and construction zones.
- Slow down on residential streets and school zones. Stay a safe distance away from pedestrians and children using roadways.
- Follow all speed limits posted on roadways.
We use the 3 "Es" – engineering techniques, education, and enforcement, (such as police) – to change drivers' behaviour and improve road safety in Peel.
The following traffic calming techniques are used on Regional roads.
Mobile radar speed trailer
A mobile trailer is set up on the shoulder or boulevard to show drivers the posted speed and the speed of the vehicle they're driving.
A "SLOW DOWN" message is displayed if the vehicle exceeds the maximum speed.
Mobile radar speed trailers are used in any requested area where traffic speed is a concern.
Video surveillance trailer
Video surveillance trailers have a recording device with 4 cameras fixed to a mobile trailer. The digital recording device records traffic activities.
Video surveillance trailers are used mostly to monitor vehicles and pedestrian activity for long periods of time or when staff isn't available to make observations. They can be used in parking lots, on streets, or at special events.
Vehicle-activated traffic calming signs
This sign has an electronic LED (light emitting diode) light with a radar speed detector. The speed of your vehicle will be measured by the radar as you approach the sign.
If you're going over the speed limit:
- The sign will show the posted speed.
- The words SLOW DOWN will appear.
- The lights will flash for 3 to 4 seconds to slow you down.
Semi-permanent vehicle activated traffic calming signs can be used almost anywhere.
Speed cushions and "SLOW" pavement markings
Speed cushions are small rubber pads placed across the road with spaces between them that are used to help slow down cars.
The difference between speed cushions and speed humps is that cushions are spaced in sections that let the emergency vehicles pass without having to slow down.
"SLOW" pavement markings are letters printed on the pavement saying "SLOW".
"SLOW" pavement markings are used in areas where extra attention may be required (for example, entering built-up urban areas).
Flashing speed limit signs in school zones
Flashing speed limit signs on Regional roads warn drivers that they are entering a school zone, and they must reduce their speed while the sign is flashing.
Drivers are required to drive safely and be aware of pedestrians.
Peel's flashing speed limit sign locations and times.
"Your Speed" radar signs
An Electronic "Your Speed" Radar Sign works in conjunction with existing flashing 40 km/h school zones to further emphasize the need for reduced speed.
The sign will:
- Show the speed of the approaching vehicles.
- Only be active during school hours with the flashing 40 km/h beacons.
This program is being piloted in Alton on Regional Road 136 (Main Street) at Alton Public School. If the program is expanded, the signs can be used anywhere in Peel.
A roundabout is a circular intersection where vehicles travel counter-clockwise around a raised center island, with entering traffic yielding the right-of-way to circulating traffic.
- Help decrease speed and serious collisions.
- Reduce delays and idling.
- Have lower maintenance costs.
Peel roundabouts are built to accommodate all motor vehicles, including large trucks and farm machinery.
How red light cameras work
Red light cameras (RLC) are a form of automated enforcement system installed to photograph vehicles that run red lights. “Red light running” is when a vehicle enters an intersection after the light has turned red. The RLC is a box that is mounted on a pole 3.6m above the ground and 20m before the intersection.
The cameras enforce 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are connected to the traffic light (signal) and to sensors that are installed just before the stop line. The system constantly monitors the traffic light, and the camera takes a picture of any vehicle that does not stop at the red light.
Red light cameras are calibrated every year to ensure their accuracy, and they are tested weekly to confirm all components are operating properly.
The camera records the:
- Date.
- Time of day.
- Exact time the car crossed the stop line and the length of time that the red was active.
- Vehicle speed.
- License plate.
These photos are reviewed by Provincial Offence Officers. Tickets are mailed to the registered plate owner within 3 weeks from the date of the violation.
Making a right turn at a red light
Under the Highway Traffic Act, when a vehicle is approaching a signalized intersection with a red light, it must first come to a complete stop at the intersection before making a right turn. This is the law.
If you fail to stop you are breaking the law or committing a chargeable offence (or both). The red light camera will take pictures when a vehicle is detected turning right without stopping on red.
How red light cameras increase safety

Red light cameras are installed as safety initiative at intersections to prevent motorists from running red lights.
Red light cameras cause people to slow down: drivers know that the camera is there, and if they try to go through a red light, the RLC system may be triggered. This awareness helps to reduce collisions and injuries at intersections.
Red light cameras have demonstrated a reduction of right-angle collisions at intersections.
Peel Region is planning to add more red light cameras in the near future.
Fine for running a red light
The set fine for running a red light is $325, which includes a $60 victim surcharge and $5 court cost.
Paying for a red light camera ticket
Peel Region does not collect the fines paid out by RLCs, therefore please contact the city or town where the violation happened to address payment.
City of Brampton (905) 450-4770 Provincial Offences Court or City of Brampton | Court and Administrative Services | How to Pay Your Provincial Offences Fines or Tickets
City of Mississauga (905) 615-4500 or Pay a provincial offence ticket – City of Mississauga
Town of Caledon (905) 584-2273 or Provincial Offences Office / Courts - Town of Caledon
If you have any questions about your ticket, please contact the Offences Court in the city or town where the violation happened.
Camera locations in Peel
There are 35 red light cameras in Peel: 14 in Brampton, 20 in Mississauga, and one in Caledon.
The RLC is in a box that is mounted on a pole 3.6 m above the ground and 20 m before the intersection.
How to navigate the traffic enforcement camera location map
Click on the downward facing double arrow to expand the tool function.
Image- Use the tools to:
Search for a specific intersection or address.
Traffic Enforcement Camera Locations map legend.
View additional layers of information e.g. Hospitals, libraries or schools.
Adjust the basemap to your preferred view.
RLCs do not take video footage at intersections. The system will take photos when the set limits it has been prescribed are met.
If you would like to inquire about whether a still image exists for an incident, email us or call (905) 791-7800.
All requests for images will be subject to Peel Region's Freedom of Information request process.