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Peel Region

Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station Diversion

The Study

The Region of Peel has initiated a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study to review existing sanitary sewer infrastructure and evaluate options to divert flow from the Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) to the new Beechwood SPS. The map shows the area that may be directly impacted by the proposed construction.

The Study Process will include:

Project completion and reports

Submit any comments or concerns by Thursday May 9, 2024.

Study updates


To provide comments or request additional information about this project, please contact:

Jason Ahlberg
Project Manager, EA Lead
WSP Canada
Tel: 289-982-4391

Troy Leyburne, BSc. (Env.)
Project Manager, Wastewater
Engineering Services, Public Works
Tel: 905-791-7800 ext. 4781