Committees and Advisory Boards
Committee and Advisory Committees are created by Council resolution to investigate and report on a particular matter or concern. Generally, membership is comprised of Regional Councillors. Membership on certain committees, such as the Peel Agricultural Advisory Working Group, includes not only Regional Councillors, but also staff from the area municipalities and representatives of organizations based within the Region of Peel. The expanded membership provides these committees with additional technical knowledge and unique perspectives on the issues under discussion.
These committees have no legal identity as part of the organizational structure, nor do they possess any statutory powers. Generally, they look to Regional Council for their authority to act, except for the Interim Period Approvals Committee.
The mandate of the Advisory Group is to provide strategic guidance on the continued implementation of the Accessible Transportation Master Plan (ATMP). The Advisory Group will act in an advisory role to support the transitions outlined in the ATMP in consideration of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and in addition, provide guidance on policy changes, budget updates and program changes.
The term of appointment shall be for a term ending upon the dissolution of the Advisory Group or at the end of the term of Council, whichever comes first, or until their successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Natalie Hart
- John Kovac
- Mario Russo
- Paul Vicente
The objective of the Audit and Risk Committee is to assist Regional Council and associated Boards and Agencies in the discharge of their governance, accountability and controllership responsibilities by advising that risks are being appropriately addressed through strong governance, a risk/control and compliance framework, appropriate stewardship and an effective internal audit activity.
Members of the Committee shall be appointed for a term ending upon the dissolution of the Committee or at the end of the term of Council, whichever comes first, or until their successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Christina Early (Vice-Chair)
- Craig Emick (community member)
- Chris Fonseca
- Joe Horneck (Chair)
- Mustafa Ali (community member)
- Alvin Tedjo
- Paul Vicente
The Debt Issuance Committee is delegated the authority to make the final decisions with respect to the following matters to the extent that the authority has not already been delegated:
- The authority to enact debenture by-laws to authorize the issuance of debentures where the project debt authority has already been approved by Council.
- The entering into of financing and other agreements in connection with long-term borrowings offered through governments and their agencies.
The members of the Debt Issuance Committee shall serve by virtue of their positions until their successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Joe Horneck
- Gary Kent, Chief Administrative Officer
- Davinder Valeri, Chief Financial Officer and Commissioner of Corporate Services
The purpose of the Committee is to advise Regional Council about systemic barriers and diversity issues in the community, external and internal, that may impact Regional policies, programs and services. Areas of focus will be: anti-racism, anti-Black racism, equity, inclusion and, approaches to training and accountability.
The term of appointment shall be for the term of Regional Council or until successors are appointed.
DEAR members
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Councillor Brar
- Councillor Early (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Kovac
- Councillor Santos (Chair)
- Councillor Tedjo
- Councillor Toor
- Vacant position
Community Members
- Susan Hunter
- Kenneth Yau-Wing Jim
- Sanya Khan
- Ingrid Wilson
The mandate of this Committee is to advise Council on the development and implementation of the Regional Emergency Program. The objectives are to annually review the Regional Emergency Management Program and provide recommendations for its revisions as required as well as to annually review the Region of Peel Emergency Plan.
The term of appointment shall be for the term of Regional Council or until successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Brad Butt (Chair)
- Annette Groves
- Sue McFadden (Vice-Chair)
- Michael Palleschi
The mandate of the Governmental Relations Committee (GRC) is to: develop, coordinate, implement and monitor government relations strategies, based on Regional Council endorsed advocacy positions, with Members of the Provincial Legislature, the Provincial Government, members of the Parliament of Canada, the Government of Canada, and related governmental agencies, including lower tier municipalities; to Organize meetings with the Prime Minister, Premier, Ministers, MPs, MPPs, as well as community stakeholders/organizations; and Monitor activity with major municipal sector associations [e.g. Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA)] and recommend engagement strategies with these organizations.
The term of appointment shall commence following the establishment of the Committee by Regional Council. The members shall continue in office until the end of the term of Regional Council or until their successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Mayor Patrick Brown, City of Brampton
- Mayor Annette Groves, Town of Caledon
- Mayor Carolyn Parrish, City of Mississauga
- Brad Butt
- Dipika Damerla
- Joe Horneck
- Martin Medeiros (Vice-Chair)
- Mario Russo
- Rowena Santos
- Alvin Tedjo (Chair)
- Paul Vicente
The purpose of the Committee will be to advise and provide direction on issues related to Peel's health system in order to advance integration of Regional programs. The priorities of the Committee will be developed through policy discussions about the role that Regional programs play in relation to the province and the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), and how the integration of those services that fall outside of the LHIN's framework (e.g. Paramedic Services and Public Health), can be improved to better serve the health requirements of Peel residents across their lifespan.
Members of the Committee shall be appointed for a term ending upon the dissolution of the Committee or at the end of the term of Council, whichever comes first.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Navjit Kaur Brar (Vice-Chair)
- Christina Early
- Chris Fonseca (Chair)
- Natalie Hart
- Michael Palleschi
- Martin Reid
- Alvin Tedjo
- Paul Vicente
The mandate of this Committee is to provide assurance to the public that continuity of conduct of regional business is administered in an efficient, effective and economical manner during Interim Periods.
Council's powers and authority is delegated to the Interim Period Approvals Committee during Interim Periods to the full extent permissible by law, with the exception that Council's powers and authority respecting the hiring or firing of employees is not so delegated during any time when there is no regular meeting of Regional Council scheduled for a period of more than 21 days after the date of the previously scheduled regular Regional Council meeting or, when pursuant to section 275 of the Municipal Act, 2001 there is a period of restricted acts in the year of an election (a "lame duck" period) known as an "Interim Period".
The term of appointment is for a period of 24 months, which coincides with the term of appointment of the Regional Council Section Chairs and Vice-Chairs.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Chris Fonseca (Corporate Services Section Chair)
- Brad Butt (Corporate Services Section Vice-Chair)
- Navjit Kaur Brar (Health Section Chair)
- Alvin Tedjo (Health Section Vice-Chair)
- Martin Reid (Human Services Section Chair)
- Paul Vicente (Human Services Section Vice-Chair)
- Martin Medeiros (Public Works Section Chair)
- Pat Fortini (Public Works Section Vice-Chair)
- Mario Russo (Planning and Growth Management Section Chair)
- Michael Palleschi (Planning and Growth Management Section Vice-Chair)
The mandate of the Working Group is to keep Regional Council informed of the issues and concerns of the farming industry, agricultural organizations and the rural community in Peel. The membership provides input on how agricultural and rural issues can be incorporated into Regional and local municipal Official Plan goals, objectives, policies and programs. The group assists the Region of Peel in its efforts to protect agricultural lands as a natural resource of major importance to the economic viability of the Region.
The term of appointment shall be for the term of Regional Council or until successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair (ex-officio)
- Patrick Brown
- Pat Fortini
- Mario Russo
The Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) (formerly the Joint Peel-Caledon Accessibility Advisory Committee, under Resolution 2003-525) was established on July 3, 2008 under Resolution 2008-899. The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to Region of Peel Council as outlined in the Region of Peel Procedure By-law 9-2018, section 9.2.2. The Committee advises Regional Council on: ways to improve opportunities and remove barriers for persons with disabilities with respect to programs and services delivered by the Region of Peel; the requirements and implementation of the Accessibility Standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA); and, the preparation, implementation and effectiveness of the Region of Peels Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. The Committee reviews in a timely manner all site plans and drawings described in section 41 of the Planning Act and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations of the AODA as pertaining to the Design of Public Spaces Standards. All other functions will be performed as specified in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA), AODA and subsequent regulations.
The term of appointment shall be for the term of Regional Council or until successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Mohammed Ali (community member)
- Carol-Ann Chafe (Vice-Chair, community member)
- Mary Daniel (Chair, community member)
- Cecille Gooding (community member)
- Azhar Karim (community member)
- Dennis Keenan
- Kathleen Lynch (community member)
- Matt Mahoney
- Mario Russo
- Angela Shaw (community member)
- Priyanka Sheth (community member)
- Kevin Wilson (community member)
The mandate of the Region of Peel Planning and Growth Management Committee (the Committee) is to provide strategic guidance for official plan policy and managing growth. This is to be done in consideration of the need for infrastructure based on the Region's distribution of population and jobs, while ensuring the Region's long-term financial sustainability. The Committee will review and make recommendations to Regional Council on the Region's long-term community vision and initiatives, key land use planning matters, growth management issues, planning and servicing policies, and consider population and employment distribution in the Region.
The term of appointment is for a period of 24 months, which coincides with the term of appointment of the Planning and Growth Management section of Regional Council Chair and ViceĀ¬ Chair.
Committee membership shall be determined by Regional Council after the PGMC terms of reference have been presented for review and approval, subject to legislative changes resulting from Bill 23.
The mandate of this committee is to review the Region's Council operational structure, procedures and regulatory tools and provide recommendations to Regional Council regarding: Council transparency and accountability; Council's effective and efficient decision making structures and procedures; and, methods/tools to build on current practices.
The term of appointment shall be for the term of Regional Council or until successors are appointed.
2022-2026 Membership:
- Regional Chair Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Mayor Patrick Brown (ex-officio)
- Mayor Annette Groves (ex-officio)
- Mayor Carolyn Parrish (ex-officio)
- Councillor Dipika Damerla
- Councillor Christina Early (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Martin Medeiros (Chair)
- Councillor Gurpartap Singh Toor
- Councillor Paul Vicente
The mandate of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee is to provide strategic guidance on the implementation of current and future waste management strategies.
Members of the Committee shall be appointed for a term ending upon the dissolution of the Committee or at the end of the term of Council, whichever comes first, or until their successors are appointed.
- Regional Chair Nando Iannicca (ex-officio)
- Brad Butt
- Pat Fortini (Vice-Chair)
- Annette Groves
- Matt Mahoney
- Martin Medeiros (Chair)
- Mario Russo