Kennedy Road sanitary trunk sewer project
To help make new homes available faster, the Region of Peel is advancing critical water and wastewater infrastructure needed to meet the housing targets outlined in the “More Homes Built Faster Act” (Bill 23). By adopting a program management approach, the Region of Peel is accelerating the construction of essential water and wastewater infrastructure to meet the needs of both our community and the province.
About the Kennedy Road sanitary trunk sewer project
As part of the program management approach, the Kennedy Road sanitary trunk sewer project is being undertaken and will address sewage capacity needs while supporting anticipated growth and protecting the environment.
The Kennedy Road sanitary trunk sewer project will be undertaken as a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to help ensure sewage capacity requirements are met by 2051 to support growth in the Region of Peel.
The Class EA Planning Process will assess and recommend the preferred route for a new large diameter sanitary trunk sewer with the study completion targeted by summer/fall 2025. The new sanitary trunk sewer needs to be in service by 2030.
The Schedule ‘C’ Study will satisfy all five phases of the Municipal Class EA process:
- Phase 1: Identify the study problem and/or opportunities.
- Phase 2: Evaluate and select the preferred route.
- Phase 3: Evaluate and select preferred design alternatives for the preferred route.
- Phase 4: Present study recommendations in an Environmental Study Report for public review.
- Phase 5: Complete study and implement recommendations.
Your input is important
Public consultation is an important part of the EA process. Two Public Information Centres (PICs) will be held to present the findings of the Municipal Class EA study and provide opportunities to give feedback to the project team. Community engagement is key to the Municipal Class EA study process. Early discussions will help identify ways to reduce project impacts on residents, businesses, and commuters.
Public Information Centre (PIC) #1
The first of two Public Information Centres (PICs) ) is available both in-person and virtually. PIC #1 introduces the study and provides information on the Class EA process, Problem and Opportunity statement, long and short list of alternatives, proposed evaluation criteria and next steps.
Virtual PIC #1
Electronic display boards, a video and a survey were made available to the public on December 4, 2024. Review the files and share your feedback through the survey until February 14, 2025.
In-Person PIC #1
The in-person PIC #1 includes the same information available above and attendees will have the opportunity to engage with project team members and ask questions:
- In-person PIC #1 notice
- In-person PIC #1 presentation boards
- When: January 28th, 2025, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Where: Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Paul Palleschi Recreation Centre (30 Loafers Lake Lane, Brampton ON L6Z 1X9)
Project timeline
The following are key dates for the study:
- Late Spring/Early Summer 2025: A second PIC will be held to present and seek feedback on the evaluation of short list alternatives and design concepts in addition to construction methods, recommended route(s), proposed mitigation measures and next steps
- Summer 2025: Once the study is complete, results will be published in an Environmental Study Report and will be made available for public review and comment.
- Fall 2025 – 2030: Detailed design, tender and approvals. Construction is anticipated to start in 2027.
Get involved
Contact the team if you have comments, questions, concerns or would like to be added to the project mailing list:
Italia Ponce, P.Eng.
Project Manager,
Region of Peel
905-791-7800 ext. 4583
Faranak Amirsalari, MES, MCIP, RPP
Environmental Planner, AECOM