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Peel Region


We reviewed and updated the policies in the Regional Official Plan on Regional transportation initiatives.


The Region of Peel's transportation network is one of the most travelled in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and therefore plays a vital role for moving people and goods both within and beyond Peel. To accommodate forecasted growth identified in the 2020 A Place to Grow Growth Plan, the Region of Peel is focusing on providing a network that balances the needs of moving goods and all road users through road improvements, sustainable transportation infrastructure, and major provincial infrastructure. Moving forward, the Region of Peel has adopted the 50 percent sustainable mode share target that offers viable travel options to pedestrians, cyclists, transit-users, and motorists.

The Transportation component of Peel 2051: Regional Official Plan Review considered recently adopted studies and strategic plans, including:

The review and update took input from the Region's Growth Management strategy work and also involved the review and revision of current policies. The review and update drew from Provincial policies to ensure conformity, as well as Regional plans and studies to reflect Peel's transportation initiatives.

Key deliverables for this project included updated draft transportation policies for the Regional Official Plan and revised transportation Schedules and Figures.

Regional staff worked with the area municipalities, the Province and other organizations on this review and update.

Relevant Links

The Draft Transportation ROPA – 2017

On October 26, 2017, Regional Council directed staff to proceed to a statutory public meeting and open houses on the Transportation draft Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) .

The scheduled Public Meeting was cancelled due to Provincial changes. Previous consultation materials:

Based on the 2017 draft policies, the following table addresses all comments and formal submissions received from stakeholders and members of the public between January 2015 and December 2018:

Many of these comments and responses below were provided under an old Provincial planning and policy framework, prior to the Provincial changes. The draft policies being considered were updated and brought forward as part of Peel 2051.

Supporting documents

For more information, email Regional Planning or call (437) 241-9026.