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Peel Region

Health and the built environment

Provincial Approval of ROPA 27, now in Effect

On February 23, 2017, Regional Council adopted Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 27. ROPA 27 includes policies related to health and the built environment, age-friendly planning, and technical and administrative updates.

About Health and the built environment policies

Community health is significantly impacted by the built environment, which consists of transportation systems, land use patterns and urban design.

Traditional suburban design includes low density land uses and automobile dependence. This can lead to:

In 2009, Peel Public Health conducted a research review in partnership with McMaster University and St. Michael's Hospital to establish an evidence base for creating healthy built environments in Peel.

The Healthy Development Framework (HDF) has since been created to build on the research to create a planning tool to assess the health potential of the built form. The HDF is a collection of local, context-specific tools that assess the health-promoting potential neighbourhoods in Peel.

The Region also created the Healthy Development Assessment (HDA) - a key component of the HDF - to monitor and evaluate the development of healthy communities across the Region.

Healthy communities are impacted by 6 interconnected core elements of the built environment.

The HDA considers these core elements:

The Regional Healthy development assessment is available for review.

Peel 2041 policies:

Supporting documents