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Peel Region

Agriculture and rural systems

We're reviewing and updating the agricultural and rural areas policies in the Regional Official Plan.

About agriculture system policies

Agriculture plays a significant role in:

In 2017, Provincial planning policy strengthened support for agriculture and incorporated an Agricultural System approach.

In 2018, the Province released agricultural land base mapping for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, implementing the Agricultural System approach and identifying Prime Agricultural Areas for protection.

The new Region of Peel Official Plan policies:

The proposed food and organic wastes policies included in the first draft of the Agricultural System policies have been moved to the Waste Management Section of the Plan.

About rural system policies

Rural Peel is important to Peel's economy, environmental health, sustainability and quality of life.

The new Region of Peel Official Plan policies:

Agriculture and Rural Systems Related Council and Committee Reports and Presentation

Updates on items related to the Agriculture and Rural Systems focus area were provided to Regional Council and the Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) throughout 2021. These reports and presentations are provided for reference:

Supporting documents

The following technical studies were conducted in partnership with the Town of Caledon and involved extensive stakeholder consultation:

For more information, email Regional Planning or call 437-239-7516.