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Peel Region

Age-friendly planning

To plan for a healthy and active aging population, Peel undertook an Age-Friendly Communities Built Environment Assessment.

What is an age-friendly community?

An age-friendly community enables people of all ages to be engaged and participate in community activities and treats everyone with respect, regardless of age. An Age-Friendly Community is a place that makes it easy for older adults (aged 55+) and seniors (65+) to:

Peel’s population is aging

Demographics show that Peel’s population will age significantly in the near future. In 2021, 14% of Peel’s population are seniors (65+). This figure will increase to 20% by 2051.

Peel Region is preparing for its aging population by supporting the vision to make Peel more age-friendly where seniors have access to services that enable them to age safely and with dignity, while maximizing their quality of life. To learn how the Region of Peel is conducting age-friendly planning to prepare for this population change review the following information.

Supporting documents

Planning for an aging population discussion paper, 2016

September 2021 focus group presentations

For more information, email Regional Planning or call (905) 791-7800 ext.4963.