Applying for funds
Pre-application process
Before you can apply for Community Investment program funding, agencies must register on GovGrants, Peel Region’s online grant management platform. The registration is a 2-step process, which could take up to 5 business days to complete, therefore applicants are encouraged to complete this process ahead of any application deadlines.
Application process
All applications for Community Investment Program funds are administered through GovGrants. There are several steps to completing an application. Review the step-by-step guide on how to complete an application. For fund specific questions (i.e., eligible budget categories), refer to respective funds’ program guidelines or statement of intent.
Starting and completing an application in GovGrants
Financial reports and progress reports
The reporting schedule will be outlined in your contract. You can view the contract by selecting the Grants tab and selecting the green view icon next to the award. The signed contract is stored under the Attachments of the award. Once the report is available, the primary user in GovGrants will get a notification and can access the reports through the My Pending Tasks link on the side bar.