Bag-based collection
Some homes use bags, not bins, for garbage and recycling along with an organics (green) bin for food waste.
For most households, garbage and recycling are collected bi-weekly. Bi-weekly means that recycling and organics will be picked up one week, then garbage and organics will be picked up the other week.
Check your collection calendar.
This video provides an overview of bi-weekly collection:
Guidelines for recycling, garbage, and organics collection
You can put your garbage in an individual bag and place it at the curb, or you can put your garbage in cans or containers. Both are acceptable for garbage collection in bag-based collection areas.
On your garbage collection day, you can place a total of 4 garbage bags or 4 full containers on the curb. Excess garbage must be put in a black plastic garbage bag and tagged with a garbage tag.
Plastic garbage bags
Plastic garbage bags must be strong enough to securely hold their contents.

Each bag must:
- Measure less than 66 cm (26 in) wide and 90 cm (35 in) high.
- Measure more than 30 cm (12 in) wide and 30 cm (12 in) high.
- Weigh less than 20 kg (44 lbs).
- Be closed or tied at the top.
Garbage cans or containers

Garbage cans or containers used for excess garbage must be:
- Rigid, with a removable lid.
- Have rigid handles that are attached or molded to the container.
- Measure less than 95 cm (38 in) high and 60 cm (24 in) wide.
- Hold less than 125 L (27.5 imperial gallons).
- Weigh less than 20 kg (44 lbs).
Your recycling must be placed in a clear or blue transparent bag to be collected.
- Do not put recyclables in plastic garbage bags or shopping bags.
- On your recycling collection day, you can place unlimited bags of recycling on the curb as long as it's in transparent or clear blue bags.

Additional recycling tips:
- Flatten cardboard boxes and fold aluminum trays before putting them in the bag.
- Put plastic grocery bags, plastic newspaper bags, plastic wrapping, and thin plastics into one tied plastic bag, then put the tied bag in a blue recycling bag.
- Separate rolled newspapers from plastic bags and elastics. Flatten the newspaper, then put it in a blue recycling bag. Reuse the elastic or put it in the garbage.
- Separate cardboard beverage cases from plastic wrapping. Put both items in a recycling bag.

Organics are collected every week.
Place your organics bin at the curb 1 m (3 ft) away from your garbage or recycling. Face the front of your organics bin towards the street and the handles towards your house.