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Peel Region

Snow removal

Peel Region vehicles clear snow from Regional roads.

We provide 24-hour immediate response to ice and snow events, clearing the snow on Regional roads to a bare pavement standard to keep roads safe for driving.

We meet bare pavement standards through plowing and using road salt responsibly. This means using the right amount of the right material, in the right place at the right time.

Our Salt Management Plan guides us in using salt strategically and reducing the amount we need to apply.

Learn how to manage your pavement salt use this winter.

Salters are sent out at the start of the storm, and plows are sent to clear the roads when the snow on the roads is accumulating faster than the salt can melt it away.

We are responsible for clearing Regional roads which are the main roads that carry high volume traffic and generally have higher driving speeds than local roads.

Our local municipal partners – Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga – clear local and residential streets and sidewalks.

About driveway and sidewalk clearing:

Peel Region and its local municipal partners work together to coordinate winter road clearing activities to ensure efficient and effective services all along roads in Peel.

Learn more about winter maintenance on residential streets, sidewalks and trails:

For snow clearing updates, follow us on X @PeelPublicWorks.