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Peel Region

Reducing and managing salt use

Reducing the impact of salt use on the environment.

Salt Management Plan for Peel

We use our Salt Management Plan to guide how we use salt while ensuring safe driving conditions for travellers. We use these tools for salt management:

How salt impacts the environment

Salt is used on roads, sidewalks, parking lots, and driveways to help make winter driving and walking conditions safer. Unfortunately, salt doesn’t disappear when the snow and ice melts. Salt mixes with water from rain and melting snow and makes its way to our rivers and lakes. Over time this harms our environment, wildlife, and quality of our drinking water.

Here are some tips to help manage salt use, stay safe, and protect the environment:

Clearing snow and ice at your home

Use less salt

If you hire someone to clear your driveway, look for contractors that are Smart About Salt. They’re trained to improve winter salting practices.

If applying salt, consider these tips: