Deep dive into Peel

1.5 million
is Peel's population, which is larger
than six of Canada's provinces

1 in 10
Ontarians live in Peel

69% of residents
identify with a racialized group, the highest percentage in the GTA

largest water and wastewater system in Ontario and 4th largest in Canada

lower utility rates than other GTA municipalities

largest community housing provider in Ontario

of all goods movement GDP in Ontario carried on Peel Region roads

$1.8 billion
worth in goods travel to, from and through Peel every day

largest police service in Ontario and 3rd largest in Canada

largest in paramedic service in Ontario

largest in waste management program in Ontario and 4th largest in Canada

largest public health service in Ontario by population size and one of the largest in Canada

$10.3 million
annual funding to over 150 community agencies in the non-profit sector

$3.4 billion
annual operating budget and $2.5 billion annual capital budget

$51 billion
is the total value of Peel assets