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Peel Region

Applying for specialized transit cross-boundary travel

Cross-boundary trips take TransHelp passengers outside of Peel’s boundaries (beyond Brampton, Caledon or Mississauga). You can travel into other municipalities on a cross-boundary trip by transferring to another specialized public transit provider at a designated transfer point.

Passengers are responsible for booking cross boundary trips with the connecting service provider.

On this page


Any TransHelp passenger can apply for specialized transit cross-boundary travel.

What you need

Have this information on hand when applying:


There is no fee to apply for cross-boundary travel.

How to apply

To apply for cross-boundary travel to bordering municipalities, e-mail TransHelp or call 905-791-1015.

Who to contact

For more information about applying or booking cross-boundary travel, e-mail TransHelp or call 905-791-1015.