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Peel Region

Report a new business or changes

If you’re opening a new business in Peel Region, the Health Protection and Promotion Act requires you to notify Peel Public Health before opening. The notification should be made at least 14 days before opening.

We will also approve the floor plans for your business.

Some businesses are required to report changes to us that include renovations involving construction, or adding new services. You must notify us at least 14 days before starting construction.

On this page


Types of businesses that are required to notify Peel Public Health:

What you need


There is no fee.

How to report

You will need to complete certain forms depending on what type of business you are opening or making changes to.

Child care centre:

Personal service business:

Pool, spa, or splash pad operators:

Restaurant or food premises:

Tobacco or vape retailer:

Other businesses, including tanning facilities, before and after school programs:

Who to contact

If you have any questions or need more information, email Peel Public Health or call 905-799-7700, Caledon 905-584-2216, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

More information

There may be other forms to complete. A public health inspector will follow up with you if needed. If you’re reopening an existing business after renovations or adding a new service, other forms must be submitted.